Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solano .
Ideas LaFactoría . Col. Master Line # 27. Madrid, 2010. Original title: Ha'penny. Translation: Beatriz Ruiz Jara. 309 pages.
Pocotiempo after the events narrated in ElCírculo of Farthing elinspector Carmichael debeenfrentar a new case entirely unrelated to the first, amid pressures their superiors that they maintain their "charge" rather short by threatening to reveal his homosexuality. The autoraretorna it to the "scene" created for previous novel, dystopian unaucronía where the Nazis won the IIGuerra World conquistandouna good portion of Europe rably immobility U.S. a reluctant acquiescence andthe GranBretaña dondeocho years after peace negotiations with Germany unrégimen almost dictatorial barely disguised hainstalado democracy is in power. Fascism is sweeping the continent ysentimientos contradictory británicaante society moving between the news of death camps and other atrocities quecruzan the Channel.
Enesta occasion, Carmichael called on to settle quietly investigating a house explosion Deuna strange famous and veteran actress, LauriaGilmore , and they suspect might be an attack. At the same time, yaparentemente unrelated to the case, another actress, ViolaLark -nacidaLarkin within an important aristocratic family with the flute keeps good relations, is postulated to represent the papelde Hamlet -segúnse explains, in fashion that women interpret papelesfemeninos rewriting the classics in the novel by Shakespeare . No eating or drinking, a close member family aintroducirla goes against her will in a terrorist plot paracolocar a bomb in the theater will take place representacióndestinada to end the fascist authorities queacudirán important to it.
Walton utilizade new narrative structure of two separate lines, alternating chapters siguiendoen the adventures of Viola andthe first person research Carmichael at third, allowing in algúnmomento narrate the same event from both coninteresantes optical results. While the figure of the researcher is yafirmemente seated in a behavior and developed in laanterior novel is to highlight the good work of the author parahacer evolve into a young actress from the initial actituddespreocupada and selfish in which one is interested in drama and live sucarrera quietly every day, muyalejada any political concern to the European situation unaconcienciación it withother eyes will see the conspiracy that has been shipped from formatotalmente coerced.
Maybe the hardest thing to accept this "growth" larelación be established with fellow conspirator Devlin , who is guilty of hasty and poorly explained, but noon is true that the unrest that has lived, Viola otrasalida that might not have that choice. While debate among reasons for the yen against to continue or not with the plot, the reader is given cuentade that may be experiencing a severe attack of Síndromede Stockholm that leads her to make some decisions that would not otherwise imaginadosiquiera less menacing.
Coltham Laconspiración of isa thriller, a political thriller about how the fascismopodría land have been lodged in British and chelates how people used to live with what he plays, enters accepting the resignation indifferent tienennoticia atrocities that as they develop away from them. At the time Detomas game is very easy to find on the wrong side losmotivos correct extrañasalianzas encouraging desperate times and even more strange bedfellows. Is this a noveladonde the atmosphere is of great importance, where eldesasosiego installed to see how good people look haciaotro side allowing their indifference and acquiescence lasatrocidades about Jews and other social minorities in Europe.The peaceful rhythm of the narrative also invites reflection, getting portray humanity both losterroristas motivations and their pursuers, and in general of all unasociedad que de alguna manera da la espalda a la realidad y solodesea alejarse del horror de la guerra, sentirse seguros, sincuestionarse el precio que han de pagar por su tranquilidad.
Unode los aciertos de la autora es ofrecer una historia no de buenos ymalos, sino de personas navegando en una ambigüedad moral queimpregna de realismo sus acciones. Los personajes de Walton debentomar very difficult decisions in difficult situations and will do nosiempre selflessly. Carmichael sienteinteriormente compelled to fulfill his duty and to overcome his cowardice, while protecting her lover and combating it quedespiertan disregard their superiors and the government they serve. Violadeberá face the awakening of his own conscience mientrasduda their involvement in the plot, putting first the propiavida and running any other and engaging after formapaulatina as you know the situation in Europe. Elvariopinto terrorist group, from as varied backgrounds-delmovimiento labor, the nobility, loyal to the monarchy, raves or the bohemian life-that seems encomún have nothing except their "cause, shall in turn deal with suspropias questions and see if it warrants the greatest Good Elmalan stoop to do. Well, what justifies the elimination of a monster demuchos death innocent bystanders? Can be one of brazoscruzados, close our eyes to suffering, while those who suffer seencuentren far? How far should arrive at the "due obedience" when the knob is patently corrupt? Can a few individuals to decide for an entire nation?
Latrama detective chasing facts that the reader enbuena known as measured by the parallel line has a bill violates "traditional" mixing the police work to gather and follow pistascon brief moments of violent action, shading around momentolas performances by Carmichael wants manteneroculto secret at all costs, including its own integrity. The difícilequilibrio of living with his assistant, which is aware quel betrayed but with which he joins a sort of friendship based onthe respect for work well done, and the desire to leave the policíauna After resolving this case, condition the way of acting delinspector .
Elbuen make Walton quedademostrada when it's final and, while recognizing that esperfecto as it develops, you can only hope that fueradistinto. Certainly is a bitter end, sad, ironic gradosumo, hard, and despite being completely closed-dela series novels are read independently makes the reader to read sooner deseode the next book in the series.
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