Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solano.
Minotaur. Col.Fantasía. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2011. Original title: Farlander. Translation: Simon Saito Navarro. 463 pages.
The Roshun sonasesinos sworn that provide special protection to quiencontrata services under the threat of an implacable vengeance, even at the expense of their own lives, against anyone who kills one of susprotegidos. Ash isa senior member of the group, still active, but with a delicate saludalgo faced with the enormous force of will that leaves yciertas relieve some atrocious headaches. In laúltima mission undertaken and circumstances thereof, assembly as shown in the prologue that opens the novel, the decision deentrenar an apprentice, something that had always mostradoreticente, for which elect Nico , a young man who lives badly in the streets of the besieged city of Bar-Khosa , as a pupil. And this is the beginning of an adventure that no two models really expect an adventure that will drag them porbuena part of their world to the heart of the conflict between Mann SacroImperio Ylos PuertosLibres of Mercia .
Buchanan HACR environment and develop your story, first of a trilogy, fantasy unmundo slightly different than usual in the géneroépico in what could be labeled the novel. A world dondeconviven edged weapons, daggers, swords and crossbows, with lapólvora, artillery and other firearms, where inventions almost "outdated"-if such a thing possible in a world invented, are in common use, such as trams, blimps, commandos, elevators or a hotel where everything funcionaechando curious coin boxes that release the choices, desdeabrir doors, use the bathroom or open the windows .. . A world 'fantastic', apparently on the verge of revoluciónindustrial, where magic is almost residual apenaspresencia, where there are, at least for the moment razasde other beings 'smart' beyond humans and where a PC from warrior monks have at its finest "art" and delasesinato vendetta afinandosus bodies and minds through meditation and exercises físicosmuy zen conreminiscencias of certain martial arts and eastern philosophy.
onthe many turns in the novel and ambitious themes: learning andthe growth, loyalty and unconditional laautoridad imposed rebellion against the religious fanaticism and totalitarianism, laética of good and evil depending on who makes the definitions, laherencia as a defining element of personality that marks the destination of the individuals, the feeling of belonging to a place opaís, antagonism peer and equal, political intrigue andall, justification and rationalization of lavenganza with the figure of the murderer as someone noble sesacrifica to fulfill a contract without regard for his own life, elsinsentido of war, aroused horror in that combatientesy can lead to incomprehensible decisions surrounding chelates, the meaning of family, the power of the mind forThe body ...
Elextraño Seabra a first part that seems an overly largaintroducción and could be described as shaky, even dedemasiado traditional and conventional, with the trip of a arquetípicoNico-the confused young man living in misery and that suddenly vedestinado large companies-to monasteriode Cheema YSU learning there, interacting with other pupils and suproceso adaptation, and presentation of a "bad" that nose away at that time in excess of the stereotypes that demandansus roles of cruelty, caprice, cynicism and depravity, being Kirkus , the imperial heir, a paradigm of it.
Entoncesel author a turning point in the novel when master and apprentice debenemprender an amazing mission of vengeance without Nico estépreparado yet at all. From there the action adquiereuna new dimension and interest, a wealth of nuances of the time quehasta suffered while Buchanan drops unascuantas surprises until the final resolution. The characters, buenosy bad, take on greater verisimilitude, giving their actions unajustificación, perhaps morally wrong but consistent with the chelae have to live with their education. The last terciodel book concentrates most of the tension of it, with unasucesión of fighting and confrontation that will not disappoint quieneshayan come all the way there.
Locierto is that the novel promises to start more than a priorientrega, sin a certain lack of pace and some minor characters dispersiónde motivates an obvious imbalance inthe narrative away the focus away from the main story line sinjustificar at all its importance and there appears to be no connection between them unaauténtica -tracking Bahn , for example, in defending the city of Bar-Khosa that seguramentetendrá very important in future installments, no aquísino serves to distract the reader from the plot sinaportar central rather than peripheral vision and far from the war in laque is immersed in the world where players must cope losauténticos, Ash and Nico - . Buchanan utilizamucho time and resources to build their world and set the stage condescripciones long and very detailed, offering his vision of ladesesperación where residents can drop a ciudadsitiada, consuming efforts and attention that delay the action, slowing it down needlessly without actually larelación see the main story of kinship beyond unea any of the characters involved.
Escua Nico Ash and venture into the heart of the Holy Roman Empire, with all its threats, where the novel takes its verdaderadimensión, offering a story that manages to surprise by showing momentosy finally , those in positions of real depth einterés. The attempt to introduce a romance in the plot is, fortunately, in intent, and subsequent events parasalpimentar serve and give greater dimension to the drama necessary.
Escua Nico Ash and venture into the heart of the Holy Roman Empire, with all its threats, where the novel takes its verdaderadimensión, offering a story that manages to surprise by showing momentosy finally , those in positions of real depth einterés. The attempt to introduce a romance in the plot is, fortunately, in intent, and subsequent events parasalpimentar serve and give greater dimension to the drama necessary.
Thus the end of the novel leaves things ready for the new series entregade, Shadow Stands with a closure points and where to go for the new direcciónemprendida. With this his first novel, ColBuchanan noconsigue pull himself up to the height of the first swords current genus, but points to some good manners, a dose of imaginacióny a fancy way of understanding that seem to predict your future interesantesobras, a potential that makes it more than worth arrest account for tracking. His attempt to offer the ambience Menosuno "different than usual is definitely something deagradecer and growth of the plot shown along lanovela well you deserve a vote of confidence. Be seen whether sigueevolucionando ...
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