Friday, March 11, 2011

Inebrya Comment To Use

Perfect Part 2

Women older you require a different game that you hold with women your age. When I speak of older women I'm talking about women who are over 35 years, and are at least older than you in 5 years. You have to keep in mind that seduce not simply a matter of pretending you're a "more mature" than people your age. Older woman seduce a game involving questions of sound internal and external cash game, you can not andARTE with insecurities with a woman unless

... Yes ... unless there is a why. Among the variety of older women, there are some who are seduced by the inexperience, male anxiety, even the innocence that a man can convey. And here we get deep with a concept that needs to know and is the unconscious, which had spoken, and comfortable little fantasy to accept, and is the fantasy of incest, that a mother may find attractive your child.

Yes, yes, it's uncomfortable, but that's the way of the unconscious, dating thing you can imagine. Many older women, they even have children, move this fantasy to a more "tolerable" and is the fantasy of young men who could be their children, men who are inexperienced, clumsy, that excites a degree unimaginable. So play the game of "teacher teach me that I am new in life," works perfectly, because they wish to teach. At first things are intellectually, for life, then things will be more intimate.

Venture. Sometimes the best strategy is to have no strategy. Usually older women who have been attractive (and still are) are familiar with many techniques of seduction, so they can deal with progress, so sometimes strive to innovate can be exhausting. I recommend in these cases something: do not try to look like someone her age, for example, if she is 37 and you 23, do not try to act as a man of 37 years. Act according to your age, a person of 23 years with a good degree of maturity and location. Just your world (that of a young man of 23 years) is what she is attractive.

This move has its own benefit, by not acting to change the way you are to pretend to be 10 or 15 years older she will feel that the age gap is not that you care and want to relate to her since the age difference, not give as much importance as to affect or change the way you express yourself. The vast majority of times I have found that a woman feels uncomfortable when he sees that men try to pretend to be older children. They feel "old." But when a young man behaves like a young man and take his world is like finding an elixir of youth just feel younger.

And here's a noteworthy item: What does it mean for a woman unknowingly dating a younger man? Basically take a young man and rejuvenate. Never will tell you, it's probably not themselves know, but deep in his mind feel this way and the same goes for older men who date younger women. For us men the unconscious mechanism is the reverse: it is the Oedipal fantasy of the mother.

Just imagine this, consider it only a moment: A woman who feels that it is still desirable, it is still beautiful, she felt that the passage of time is doing an interesting woman, simply because you have noticed it and are interested. It is a stimulus that comes from inside the woman and playing it in their favor, ie, has an ally LOCATED IN ME THAT ENCOURAGES THE IDEA OF BEING WITH YOU. Did you find a better advantage? Impossible!

Due to the above, the best you can do is appeal to their youthful side, and that she feels that you treat her like a woman her age. Age is invisible to you. In this sense, it is not convenient she feels that it is trying to seduce a woman and because it would be a fantasy for you, that would be you on that chase, in this case the woman needs to feel she is pursued, the question is "how I can be with a younger man than me." Do you see the difference?

She already knows many men his age, and knows that the vast majority are married, or going out with women younger than her, or are too serious and boring, what they generally want is something new, a mixture of maturity and risk, but also quiet adventure. That's the key you have to find and manage to attract you. They already know what is the seriousness, maturity and location, you have to remember what is madness, risk and improvisation.

The age issue is a topic you have to learn to deal with it. And the best way is taking the bull by the horns. And at this point I want to know is that there is a difference between being a gentleman and between make you feel that arrived with Christopher Columbus in feverfew. A good strategy I've found is different at points in conversation with her, do not follow the rope as if you were puzzled by his wisdom, it is necessary to challenge her and she finds a challenge, new ideas in you. It is also a good idea to flatter his age directly, with things like telling the end of a good conversation, "go, many of the women with whom I have come out recently can not give a good conversation. Let me tell you this was a conversation of the best. "With this value something she knows: her maturity. It is a form of flattery that she'll love, and not to do so you're saying is by being more.

When you go with an older woman you have to accept his story, a woman over 35 years has probably had more of a difficult relationship and even the occasional divorce. You should not be surprised by the stories to listen to him. The idea is that passes for being a nice guy, but as a man who can handle the emotional burden that it brings back a lot but do not repair it. Your mindset should be that of a young man who can help you experiment with something different in the stage that she lives. Do not show yourself as the man who looked like a husband or father of your children (if any), because you can create an addiction too extreme in any women who feel too lonely.

One of the important things you should have is a framework of sophistication, most older women who fantasize about young men, is because they have seen "potential" in them, and this is achieved by showing intelligence, sagacity, sophistication, so they can see you're a young man who behaves as a youngster, but you're promising. So at this point is necessary to sharpen your conversation skills, be very knowledgeable, very curious and know how to keep your interest will be key to the profile of women.

Older women like the young independent entrepreneurs. So if you still live with your parents, it would be good to think about getting independent, get your own space and start living like an adult.

could be a good challenge for you start to look out for in older women at your age. It's like climbing a high mountain, requires high demand of you, put you at a high level. The optimal challenge will never again settle for what you touched.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!


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