Kate Daniels 2.
Reseñade: JamieM.
Versatile. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010. Original title: Magic Burns. Translation: Daniel AldeaRossell.365 pages.
Estesegundo book in the series is open ended shortly after elanterior, Lamagia bites ; Kate (a mercenary resident paranormal Atlanta Ofa alternate world where magic and technology is ravaging enols occur and providing new ways of understanding the reality and live in it) worried about their financial situation has been forced to accept a position within the Order altiempo investigating some cases working for Gremiode Mercenaries . The greater frequency and duration magic wave coming sospecharque makes a rash, a period unleashed magic and powerful muchmore than usual, and where poderesverán beings endowed with the same greatly increased and unexpected criaturaspueden make an appearance.
In the midst of these circumstances, Kate, after dealing with a "special" arsonist, he was commissioned to recover some stolen maps to Herd models by a mysterious archer shifter with the ability deteletransportarse, a case that will keep track of unfall coven of witches, to receive under his wing at a confusajovencita after which they are a powerful and fearsome creatures mientrasbusca to his mother, intervene with Curran for a couple wanting to marry supermiso to mingle dangerously with ciertastradiciones Celtic to join a werewolf and a vampire ina uneasy alliance, and to grips with their vidaarriesgándola however many times.
Andrews demuestrauna deep mythological documentation either plasmadade synthesized and attractive way into the action. Realmenteintrigante has created a world and now works formasinsospechadas increase their limits, but enormously entertaining. burning Lamagia isa FantasíaUrbana , with touches of dark and a little romance, a literary vehicle full deacción yet makes some interesting questions, showing humanity, empathy, often employed algénero. Kate knows that sometimes there are things, ideas or people chipped worth sacrificing life and Julie isa them. The protagonist is a tough lady, realistic, but with a big heart, sometimes acts on impulse before thinking, ymuchas times its mouth, or rather the rants coming out for it, lost and more would be quiet, but at the same time that dicees what any "normal" person would think if encontraseen situations which is constantly involved, Whatis so easy to empathize with her. Along lanovela pages, narrated in first person by Kate herself, they will irdesvelando certain secrets from his past to explain the depthof its powers and fears, getting the reader vayaconociendo better understanding what has taken to be as it is and aactuar it works, and posing new questions for futurasentregas.
Enmedio so much tension and violence, much threat bloody laprotagonista does not hesitate to launch quesuavizan repartee and fun with a direct humor the difficult relationships in which seve involved, the protagonist speaks first and thinks later, sinpreocuparse of all the problems that on you. The sexual palpabletensión between Kate and Curran, that permeates all diálogosy scenes, creating a counterpoint unstable in their ways, leading withthe resisting against all odds and alfainsistiendo without much subtlety. Kate does not fall that rendered wings first exchange Andrews demonstrates the ability to take in relation to an unpredictable land where two personalidadesarrolladoras should end up crashing. It will not be here yet, HOWEVER.
Enmedio so much tension and violence, much threat bloody laprotagonista does not hesitate to launch quesuavizan repartee and fun with a direct humor the difficult relationships in which seve involved, the protagonist speaks first and thinks later, sinpreocuparse of all the problems that on you. The sexual palpabletensión between Kate and Curran, that permeates all diálogosy scenes, creating a counterpoint unstable in their ways, leading withthe resisting against all odds and alfainsistiendo without much subtlety. Kate does not fall that rendered wings first exchange Andrews demonstrates the ability to take in relation to an unpredictable land where two personalidadesarrolladoras should end up crashing. It will not be here yet, HOWEVER.
Curran crececomo character, showing no more tender side (still thesame arrogant and violent thug of the previous novel ), but at least more consciously moral self, placing the honor and selfless elsacrificio well above other considerations.
Elpersonaje of Bran , initially a rogue thief who will be showing a lot of mass over the novel, is sympathetic and reprehensible at a time, reaching a vital importance in the plot. Insurance pessimism, boastful, indefatigable conqueror, used to salirsesiempre with it, bold and shameless, cheeky ymujeriego, get a place on the reader's heart casisin one will notice. The enormous importance in the history terminaadquiriendo and sensual showing interest in a jam will Porella the protagonist and the tense relationship quemantiene with Curran and his continued attention.
Without doubt one of the great successes of the "author" is to have surrounded the star of a large group of interesting side, each with its own personality and its own problems: Andrea , Red, Saiman, Julie, Derek, Ghastek ... perfect replica inall give Kate time.
Without doubt one of the great successes of the "author" is to have surrounded the star of a large group of interesting side, each with its own personality and its own problems: Andrea , Red, Saiman, Julie, Derek, Ghastek ... perfect replica inall give Kate time.
burning Lamagia isa book with a fast-paced (perhaps even too much) Noda rest or respite that at no time, full of emotion, deviolencia, energy, blood, humor, mystery, supernatural beings unmontón with its own idiosyncrasies and ciertaoriginalidad of which already boasted the first delivery, untoque of romance ... A consumer product fast, a speed reading pasapáginasde, pure entertainment dejainsatisfecho not, with certain elements and details, trivial, and failed to seperciben (why the waves fail lastecnologías modern magic, but older ones do not?) But no matter queterminan at all. A book, no doubt, superior alanterior, with a stronger frame with a deescenario and deeper characters and a more firm, and leaves more conganas. I'm hoping that the publisher published the third.
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