Antesbruja than dead.
Rachel Morgan 3.
Reseñade: JamieM.
Pandora (LaFactoría of Ideas). Madrid, 2010. Original title: Every Which Waybut Dead. Translation: Javier Fernández Córdoba and Marta GarcíaMartínez. 378 pages.
Lavida of RachelMorgan noes any easier. Has been forced to make a pact with undemonio and has no other choice but to comply. So begins lanovela, shortly after where the previous stay, Elbueno, the Bad and the witch so exciting, with the protagonist calling to Algaliarept paraaceptar its part of the deal and its
Terceraentrega series, the truth is that it leaves a bitter aftertaste alterminar reading, feeling that somehow the novel is not the same height as their predecessors. Lanovela particular plot is less interesting and intense than before, haydemasiados downtime, less time of real action, too much emphasis on the emotional and sensual item (more biensexual, of course I would not dare to call "romance") of larelación of Rachel, not with Nick quehábilmente departs in the middle, but with another personajeshasta now more or less secondary is becoming mayorimportancia ... The theme of underworld rival muydesdibujado is, almost anecdotal in many cases bypassing others laatención less interesting subjects and moved. Esque right in the first half of the book long, ignoring the start in elcementerio behind the church where they live and emociónpuntuales few moments, no nothing really important happens, and only bienentrado the last third, when Rachel takes away unoscuantos complex order restrictions, limited stops and be areaccionar drag for others, and attempts to take lasriendas of the situation and comes to his passions, novelaadquiere some pace and interest.
commits Harrison sin unenorme wean Jenks deRachel, taking with him most of the above characteristics salidashumorísticas novels and Stay away this, and why in the first third that did appear had started well with the family of pixieinstalada in the church and their small offspring making theirs. Escierto that Jenks took possession of the stage whenever he appeared, stealing role of the witch, but without it the estamanera is rid of one of the best assets of the series. Thus, the humor is then limited to references, as used here with earlier and repeated insistently, to the confusion that elnombre chosen for their "agency" because those who buscancompañía female instead of magic cures.
Unidoa the lurches to subjecting Ivy , far removed also from the role, almost always offstage, that maintains the tension in the relationship, but it does not over-focus models, gives the impression that the author has sought to give a preponderance to mayorfuerza and Rachel own, but to do that in the novel casitoda witch is reacting to the circumstances, showing extremely vulnerable, drifting lossucesos around him rather than deal with them, goofing ynecesitando protection and help of others to maintain their integrity paraconseguir physical end of the day (coninteresantes new additions to the squad of players, yes, as Ceri and David , and involvement from some old and Kisten YSU "irresistible" charm) makes not get the todosatisfactoriamente. Rachel shown for most of the librodemasiado insecure, too hesitant and too inflexible. Escierto the letters that have touched ningunamaravilla not play, but feels he could have taken better riendasdel issue rather than just for a long time to react vezde take the lead.
Elauténtico interest of this delivery is that the author slowly siguedesgranando the keys to his world, consistent and bienconstruido, delving into the secrets hidden susprotagonistas and gradually establishing thatshall relations. Beyond the plot point, we larelación learn more about joining somehow Rachel Trent , it will clear some doubts about the past that connected to the padresde both, see how have fun delescrutinio vampires away from human eyes, we learn more about how detratar with demons and the use of light lines, we will discover many details about the werewolves and the elfosy his unfortunate past history ... and all this despite slump delevidente of quality in what was a seriesobresaliente within the paranormal genre, leaving that multitudde other mysteries and questions in the air that make the end lanovela is inevitably a desire to read the next installment, which I hope to soon. Not that the book is bad, because they entertain, entertain, is that after the dosanteriores, I expect this growth and not step back. Antesbruja than dead simplementeno has lagged. I hope that the series was soaring, and, please, come back Jenks .
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