Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mount E Blade In Italiano

Review: The Last Theorem

Elúltimo theorem.

ArthurC. Clarke and Frederik Pohl.

Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solans.

Edhasa. Col.Nebulae. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010. Original title: The Last Theorem.Traducción: David León Gómez. 573 pages.

Clarke llevabaun time working on this novel when he realized that lassecuelas of the polio she had suffered a total bloqueodel writer leimpedían advance in the company, asking for help from his friend Pohl, leentregó everything I had written, nor erademasiado, and a wad of notes with the lines seguir.Durante a season, Pohl , only two years 'young' and suffering from their own enfermedadeso ailments, worked on the book always supervised by the author of 2001 , and finally introduced him to Clarke's book ended in March 2008obteniendo their approval to publish just days before Of the death of it.

Inthe novel, Young and gifted mathematician native SriLanka , RanjitSubramanian , become obsessed during his years of study with the demonstration of últimoteorema de Fermat. Asu around a troubled Earth walk the razor's edge of violence and destruction. Unasituación leading to a powerful alien race, trasdetectar traces of photons sent into space by the atomic diversasexplosiones produced on the planet lasdiversas testing powers to send an exploration mission first yluego of extermination against humanity in ruling that represents unaamenaza for other galactic races. While that deDamocles Sword is approaching the speed desdedistancias astral light, the Earth has its own problems yalegrías and Ranjit will reflect the different stages of suvida many of them.

Arthur C. Clarke
Because the curious structure chosen for his writing, could say that, except perhaps at the beginning of the novel, Ranjit nova to be the real protagonist in the strict sense of the word 's-plot, but rather a spectator of it, untestigo through whose eyes the reader will know the facts of that history másimportantes future but The makers are close to telling. For his fame and powerful network einfluyentes known that he has had in luck, the mathematician seva to put at the forefront of the information at the highest level of knowledge of the most important events taking place across the globe alo, without participating nor be truly relevant unaauténtica them more an observer than an active participant in the destiny the world.

Alo throughout the novel, which covers the entire life of its own Ranjit, who at one point in the story gives prominence to its hijapasándole the control of the action-succeed and many of lostemas used by the authors in previous works: laconstrucción of a space elevator, a career velerosespaciales using energy from the solar wind, the galaxy alienígenastutores that control the quasi-omnipotent demanera intelligent races, hybridization of man and machine and to lainmortalidad computer support through the Solar System colonizacióndel, the conjunction-antagonism-coexistence cienciay of religion, family relationships, or quedeberían role scientists play in society ...

Frederik Pohl
However, it isa pity that a book written by two companies as famous and as a priori themes tanirregular is interesting, a book that you can say "no estámal" but not really up any passion. Ritmomuy with irregular, elongated beyond what should have been natural sulongitud-and that that reality is not as long as might suggest the 570-odd pages of this issue, "Err deevidentes imbalance of interest between a story and others. Eldesarrollo the novel is somewhat disjointed, with no granrelación see from the plot of Fermat's theorem and the amenazaextraterrestre, which told through short chapters, all times are too distant from the rest of líneashasta near the end where breaks with some abruptness in the middle delresto-dotted as well with another series of stories that spring to return ydesaparecen-much later, the main impression dandouna little narrative cohesion, of a dispersióntemática suggesting that we have tried to put many issues and not give up any Hasab to give more unity to the whole. Escom if, knowing that quite possibly was the last Book, Clarke, had wanted to make a kind of homage-despedidacon all their most beloved, yet too yfallando covering the concrete.

Asu please say it is a novel fluid quesada reading literary and speculative note the office of the authors parahacerla at least entertaining and fun, knowing maintain interest even inthe drier parts when plunge-or rather when lohace Pohl, a lover and connoisseur of the materials without flushing endidácticas math high depth explanations. Elúltimo theorem time distilled all positive feelings, a desire for elmañana and see their achievements, unconditional love for science and their discovery is not without criticism of their excesses, however, by weighting unoptimismo contemplation of reality, knowing perfectly well that part of humanity siempreestá immersed in a war or other, but trying to see beyond, yaventurando a solution through a call organizaciónsupranacional Paxper Fidem And -... pleasant, throughout its pages, revisiting many of lasgrandes ideas of science fiction classic from the perspective másmoderna of this century of ours, giving ligeramentediferente approach, a new interpretation.

HOWEVER, the end is produced, especially in the veteran player, a certain feeling of disappointment, not because the book seamalo perse , but because after many years following and enjoying literary and speculative suscarreras a laconjunción expected much more from these two authors. It is a bittersweet, saberque somehow this was the departure of Clarke and Pohl LADE not that 2011 will bring in this new book-and no doubt will go to the 'anal' as one of his best works; noobstante, not will be among the worst, ranking undiscreto average. A little background for one of the best and másinteresantes science fiction authors of all time, unanovela than just "be read."


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