Monday, February 28, 2011

What Cours Genital Warts

Review: Crystal haunted


DianaWynne Jones.

Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solans.

Nocturnaediciones . Literature Magic. Madrid, 2011. Original title: Enchanted Glass.Traducción: Gema Moraleda. 333 pages.

witha overwhelming simplicity, DianaWynne Jones ofreceuna delightful story about responsibility, friendship, elhonor, chaos, love and justice, with some reminiscenciasshakesperianas, especially the work Elsueño a summer night , with a gentle humor and a mastery of narrative tempo encomiable.Situando action in a particular rural area and based on current GranBretaña a really simple story, a magician quedebe learn to care and protect a limited area, world dondeel zone "normal" and the magical world come together, she ofreceuna sitcom and attractive ways to untoque sympathetic magic house brand. This is important to be historiapasan characters, each more eccentric, and that shows a master laautora, good taste and dominiocautivadores by getting the reader turn the pages with unasonrisa enduring in the face.

whenthe "teacher" AndrewHope inherits MelstoneHouse wing death of his grandfather, the magician JocelynBrandon , knows that it takes an entire "area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility" that should take care dela. Decided to write a book, leave your carreraacadémica and "withdraw" to property detiempo armed-cree-free and a new computer, but the continued influx depersonas starting to spin around him, demanding good part ofthe attention, you can still live out his dream. First tendráque deal with señoraStock , the housekeeper, determined to return the furniture of the room, includingthe large piano, to their ancestral positions from nuevadisposición decided by Andrew, a woman who will avenge all lassupuestas 'insult' to which is continually imagine a long succession sometidacon of dinners of cauliflower cheese. Luegoestá the señorStock -sinrelación previously familiar with the grumpy gardener másinteresado in growing vegetables for more colorful and grandesposibles win the annual contest of the people, whether they are completely inedible, and seempeña to fill the kitchen table of all the "leftovers" of suscultivos not reaching desired excellence, some leftover queterminan every night in top of the roof of cobertizohabiendo disappeared the next day without anyone having very claroquién or what they are wearing. Both seek to "place" to suspupilos service teacher, so come on stage ellimitado intellectually but also skilled Shaun , and the bright, busybody, beautiful and dominant Stash .

Yen through this hodgepodge, coming home the segundoprotagonista "main", AidanCain , an orphan twelve years is presented in Melstone House buscandoal Andrew's grandfather, an old acquaintance of his grandmother just fallecida.El child, alone and frightened, fleeing from danger comes unosimplacables boasting interesting pursuers mágicasy gifts will be received under the protective wing of Andrew and the rest to swarm Melstone depersonajes House. Whole laautora wisdom of making Aidan is obviously a magical affinity permitedarse you tell when a spell or magic is taking Lugarde a peculiar way, a perfectly normal child, wanting dehacer friends, play football and to feel loved and safe.

When Andrew and Aidan empiecena explore the boundaries of the Area of \u200b\u200bResponsibility, it will give debruces with the black arts of their neighbor, Mr. O. Brown , which seems determined to invade the lands on teachers todocierto grove, under the guise of protection from harassment by their dosesposas and those he calls "counterparts." Both yadulto child, they will embark on a fascinating journey of self without leave the narrow confines of the county, supporting each other, through which the elrecuerdo recover Andrew spent his childhood summers with his grandfather and muchachoaprenderá to enjoy freedom and self-confidence Queno has never known before - despite the great love of her grandmother .Si want to unravel the mystery of the boy bullies and give them reasons for his relentless pursuit, acompenetrarse must learn to work together, and only then can they overcome obstacles elenorme your future has in store laamenaza defeat hanging over his world and everyone lesrodean. But who is actually take Aidan to semejantecantidad of enemies against you? What are the intencionesreales Mr Brown? What is the vital task that could not give Brandon magoJocelyn her grandson before he died? "PodráAndrew done with her magic in time to come out on top model that lies ahead? So what is the meaning of vidrierade the kitchen door with panels of different colors, special unavidriera, which seems to show different imágenesdependiendo glass through which you look?

Elhumor, white and kind, is continuous, and small clashes Mrs. mezquindadesy Stock and Mr. Stock, as the "game" that are brought to the furniture and vegetables, such as prediction lapeculiar Stash, as the small intimate retratode Shaun lack of intelligence, such as acts decierto dog with a quality thing Special ... Cristalembrujado esliteratura youth with some archaic flavor, sweet and smooth, without ambiguity or dark side. Do not steal death nor temasquizá rough for teenagers-such as the Aidan paternidaddesconocida- but certainly away from other currently fashionable truculenciasmás.

Unlibro fast-in fact there are some details that are sientenexcesivamente fast, but what can you do if even elamor is magical, agile, friendly, sincere, refreshing, intelligent, light, fun, exciting ... recommended for any admirer of Fantasy over the twelve or fourteen. Err, perhaps too abrupt an ending that leaves the reader certain dudassobre the nature of magic and its use. And despite what a legusta Jones escribirlibros belonging to series, we can say that this estotalmente independent, but I can not ensure that sinduda I would not mind in all that the author, if the age lopermite, then write some kind of masks to know these characters. I can only add that, despite moments decierto absolutely predictable, despite its "simplicity", despite a touch absurd to not be delgusto worldwide ... I enjoyed reading it as a niño.Quiero more.


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