Thursday, February 3, 2011

Straps John Lennon Used

Seduction is a matter of pro

Many readers write to me saying "Naxos, are my last hope, if you can not help I do not know what I'm doing. I've done everything I have done many things, I'm a good person. But still nothing has happened. I'm alone and I'm tired of being alone. Will not deserve to be happy? "

My answer to them is a resounding NO.

Personally I think people do not deserve to be happy. People have to pursue happiness, and look for food or seek shelter, or seeking a good job, or seek to be successful, or seek friends.

When a think you deserve something just sits and waits that will come on a silver platter. Since this is not going to happen then people start getting emotional states of discomfort, anger, frustration, saying things like "Damn. I do things well. I deserve this. "People become passive rather than proactive.

Many of us sit, look out the window and dream of being famous, admired, rich and successful. Actually that does not happen to most people. Yet the question is whether our desires and fantasies come true in the overnight would we be able to value and appreciate those things the same way that if we work and fought hard to achieve them? Surely the answer is again: NO. In fact it is in the process of fighting for the things that get most of the rewards. We grow as human beings to work for something, not just to get it.

Is it necessary to strive to achieve? I will direct you. You may want to date women and fall in love, but do not think you deserve. Strive to find a woman for you so how you strive to get a good job, starting a business, to finish your studies and graduate. Strive as you would for anything else. You need to be proactive rather than reactive.

need to take risks, explore, open up, work on your beliefs, your shyness, go out and find the people, work your perceptions about women.

Some will say "I worked hard and done everything I can to find someone. I left, I searched discussions, I called, I searched on the internet, I activated my social circle. I have even had brief relationships. However, nothing substantial has happened to me. I get older, and I'm tired. "

My answer to these people, but not like a lot is" still that way ... keep doing things. "

Let the professional world, for example. Some people do not become successful in their career until thirty or forty. If they had stopped by early negative experiences when they began their career, had not reached the level of success which they enjoy over time. For example, Abraham Lincoln lost five elections before he was elected president of the United States, the writer of Harry Potter, JK Rowling, saw his first novel in the multibillion-dollar series was rejected by 7 different publishers. Many successful businessmen have failed miserably, but has persevered to achieve their dreams.

feel that contemporary culture has a strange compulsion to it immediately, so fast, "30-day warranty or your money back. " We got success in different moments of our lives and the same applies when we speak of balance and emotional freedom. So it's not a good idea to compare with the success of others, not realizing that was already married and you still do not, you already have a girlfriend and you have not. Need to live your experiences as they come to you achieve the necessary learning so that when the various successes of life come to you know use them. Many have rushed and ended up hating their new lives. As Truman Capote said: "There are more tears shed by the desire fulfilled that by not met."

Try to become aware of negative thoughts and try to assemble the big picture of what you really want. If a woman rejects you or does something that hurts you, look at things in perspective: you know what kind of women do not want in your life, refine your search and improve your strategies.

life begins to look like a long road where there is no deadline to get things done. Life is full of paradoxes, it's worth checking: Some are too young and that success leads to excess and lose what they have achieved, others have failed in his youth and maturity have triumphed. Take off your head the idea that you necessarily have to graduate at 23, having Masters at 25, having a girlfriend at 18, married at 30. Leave this conventional thinking to the sheep in our societies, following what others do and say to do. You may have your first significant relationship at 23, at 25, at 27, 30 and with whom it should matter or affect that?

most damaging belief that we received today the media is that having a partner or a relationship with a woman is something of destiny, as if it were predestined by the stars for a fairy godmother. There is someone out there is your perfect complement, and you should look for or wait in a corner until you arrive, you drop the notebook and you are the collect.

Do not go falling into the traps of passivity, not to keep working, even though you have not had the success we expected, continues to persevere and success will find you. Every defeat is a learning and your success will ultimately be more vocal.

I hate when people tend to console saying "I regret what has happened to you, but do not worry, the woman you hope will come. That person will come when you least expect it. " My blood boil when I hear that. Does anyone feel better when you say that crap? Does anyone feel really motivated by that? For me the ideal answer is: "What have you learned what happened to you? What things work and improve for next? Not fail in your efforts, improve your strategies and your motivation and see how the results change. "

There is nothing wrong with that you have to work towards a person you meet and that is what you want. works in you and working on opportunities to meet women. I think women valuable come when you least expect it, but not before he had worked to find them. When you work for something, even when they expect more of the account means that when that person reaches the values \u200b\u200beven more.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!


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