Friday, February 4, 2011

Publix Frosting Recipe

Review: The Code Midnight

elcodigo Midnight.


Reseñade: G ª Santiago Solans.

Timunmas. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2011. Original title: The Midnight Charter. Translation: Albert Vito i Godina. 316 pages.

Antesque there is nothing to warn the reader confused, as was I, Midnight elcodigo Esla first installment of a trilogy, something not noticed in ningunaparte-mix volume of dystopia, fantasy and thriller, ydestinada, in principle, a young audiences. In a town called Agora dondetodo, everything is bought and sold through barter-ybienes products consumption, of course, but also the work, ideas, children, emotions and feelings, love (or at least two young losmatrimonios )...-, will see how their lives tomancaminos very different from some known . Until the age of doceañista children are a mere property of their parents or guardians, and to meet this age, the Degree Dyad , attain freedom and become masters of themselves, inwhich time, especially from the lower strata, debenvenderse in exchange for a contract that allows them to survive. Mark and Lily convergenpor different paths in the tower's largest city astrologer, the condeStelli , and there you will see how their fates intertwined muydiferentes acquire directions.

Onthe wrote the novel structured like the story that intersect dosvidas told in alternating chapters, following Mark inthe odd pairs and Lily, and with some interludiointercalado through the middle to give the impression that after two long history jóveneshay larger than one might suspect, almostrar that are under scrutiny and monitoring deimportantes powers of the city, they seem to know and expect muchode them.

Elsistema "economic" established in the city is so extreme quesus citizens can not understand someone doing something without pedirnada to change, so unselfish, and charity is a conceptoinexistente, helping others is just a way to get algoque intended and that which can not meet their payments seconvierte merely a "debtor" and scorned by elrest evicted citizens. The Agora is a society where there eldinero, but everything has a price, and the only time that unapersona will receive a free gift is the day of the titulación.El rest of his life, everything is good and the value of unavaible is calculated depending on what you have, and if you do not own anything, not even the ability to offer your work, not worth anything.

Setrata a sick society in some way, something that perfectamentesimbolizado by gray terribly contagious plague that ravages lamayoría of the city, leaving many muertosprincipalmente among the most disadvantaged, and to thank Dr. Mark Essan Theophilus Trasse sold to him by his own father. A city where huérfanoscrecen in orphanages to be sold as mere commodities, where the servants are very little above of slavery, albeit voluntary submission changing child support, and where politicians play their games of power without importarlesdemasiado the fate of those who are below ellos.Una city where even the emotions-disgust, joy, pleasure , success, enthusiasm, happiness, grief bottled ...-, previously, are a commodity, bought and sold, converted ina addictive drugs that add new channels on the shoulders models less favored by fortune.

Unaciudad vast, walled, divided into twelve districts cadauno receiving the name of one of the signs of the zodiac, and is that laastrología is held in high regard, "withina isolated itself from which no one knows how to get in or out, self-sufficient, where money does not exist desarrollotecnológico with just more or less at the height of our eighteenth-century ymucho social imbalance, with all its citizens under surveillance by the inscrutable lafigura Director fromthe Receipts Directoriode , and the presence of trustees paraimponer its decrees and punish all "contracts." Unasociedad unstable, where the value of things a day paraotro varies according to demand and where the servants can become enam by inheritance or a windfall.

withina it, Mark and Lily diametralmenteopuestos choose two paths, but sometimes we sense that predestined up a social ladder and pouring inthe firmly on the principles of THE CITY with great success, and immersing one in fondosdecidida low to change the philosophy underlying the system detrueques, delivering their work and effort to benefit underprivileged sinesperar any compensation in return. Two paths, however, will not break your contact and friendship, despite the terrible ladistancia and both have queafrontar circumstances. In this curious background both must face hits risks that could potentially endanger their freedom eincluso their lives as they watch losmimbres arise around a prophecy that has them in his heart and written in the mysterious seencuentra Midnight Códigode . It is true that there is not much action as such and the pace is sometimes delayed, more descriptive than thrilling, but the interest semantiene along the entire volume and reading very fluidamientras are uncovered the secrets contained Agora.

Lanovela addressed in principle to a young audience and despite some naive decierto licenses of the plot, due, perhaps, lapropia youth of the author, can be enjoyed by cualquierpersona. Away from the violence or sex of proposals "adult", the truth is that the story invites reflection aadolescentes and old on our own society. Podríadecir question is some form of ethics that puts a fable allector to the facts in a pleasant way with which YOURMESSAGE deliver social justice, a story that involves a far radiografíaalgo savage capitalism and human greed and Whitley noolvida dress with a cloak of intrigue attractive , adventure, conspiracy and mystery. Although undoubtedly an exaggeration in suplasmación, the message is not indoctrinate or beyond insistent as desirable to demonstrate solidarity and charity, and rechazableel drive to accumulate power and wealth and abuse of the menosfavorecidos.

Lasden visions, almost opposite, DeMark shares offered and Lily, are instructive while entertaining. But the novel, through a number of well constructed characters, tienemuchas more "readings": the beauty of unconditional friendship, family affection loslazos and the risk of disintegration, elprecio of utopia and altruism, the cost to achieve and maintain freedom, fate of predestination latraición pain, the terrible of secret society conspiracies quebuscan their own purposes regardless of others POSSIBILITY of corruption of power as something inherent in consumerism exercise, force behind an idea to change elmundo, horror and degradation of drug addiction ... Yuna curious reflection that comes to mind of the reader, especially alamparo of recent "events" is certainly on the value realque can be reached to give the intangibles or intangible intellectual property, as an artistic work on todocuando the reader is witnessing an interpreter at Agora tieneque deliver even his own voice as a sentenciacondenatoria-payment and how it varies demasiadascircunstancias random.

Perhaps the greatest challenge of the novel is precisely the age The actors of that does not seem at all consistent with queemprenden actions or thoughts they have. You might think that unasociedad such, and after the hardships, both have maduradomás fast, but still remains somewhat too shocking laforma that, especially Lily, take charge of their vidascolocándose above many adults nearby distant sinduda experienced. If the author would have added two or three years old másbien, each thing would have been much másverosímil. This being so there, see how they evolve from now on.

Yes it is a pity that Midnight elcodigo terminecon such cliffhanger , especially when, as I have done to me, you do not expect, I started reading convinced that it was a libroindependiente and only I approached the end and see what overtones notenía consulted the author completed online by discovering, in fact, that it was a trilogy. When you close ellibro, revealed the mystery of what the code is and says, quedanmultitud of questions about the fate of the characters. Ahoratan I can only say that I am impatient for the sequels soon nosofrezca editorial, or at least that is until elmomento.


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