Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Save A Voicemail

Review: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

LosCien Mil Reinos.

N.K.Jemisin .

Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solans .

Minotaur. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2011. Original title: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Translation: Manuel Mata. 346 pages.

Alpoco his mother died in mysterious circumstances, Yein esconvocada by his grandfather, the uncrowned king of CIENMIL Kingdoms and who is not known, the city called Heaven . Without knowing the reason for such request and looking uncover the truth behind the suspected murder of his mother, the heiress of the powerful altron Arameri alkenyl resigned for the sake of a noble barbarian North, acudetemerosa to the appointment and is surprised when she was appointed along mismaheredera his cousins, Scimina and Relad . In the midst of complicated political maneuvering, they soon discover flutes had prepared him for what is coming and that cosasson much more complicated than any scenario that would podidoimaginar. Caught in the ancient struggle between gods and humans susdescendientes, decisions I can take her seemingly predestined pareceninútiles to death. However, facing a race against time from which his life depends Todal elapses action in just a couple of weeks, you will not idly aquedar, desperate times require medidasdesesperadas, and Yein not ready to abandon all esperanzasin offer stiff resistance. Intrigaspalaciegas Adding to the passage of time running against him, and eldescubrimiento something that carries within it will not contribuirprecisamente to increase his strength.

Yein isa young man is going to be caught in a game already started and the quedesconoce all rules in his nineteen years derepente is thrown to a place far from the only home he has known dondetodas networks of friendships and enmities, alliances and support seencuentran already firmly established, which does not know anyone, andwhere seems that his destiny is none other than be a pawn of losdemás, gods and humans equally, a role that she does not resign arepresented. However, in their search for allies and respuestasnunca can be sure none of the people around nide who can give her confidence.

Sinesperárselo, is to be found right in the center of a political deintereses plot where no one is innocent, where executioners víctimasson also of dubious morality, murderers and genocidal sinescrúpulos or remorse, always scheming, always buscandosu own interest in dealing with others, calculandocómo always use people, manipulate their pawns másfavorable the way to achieve their goals. Will be trapped in a redde intrigues, lies and deceit, in a game dondela powers death lurks behind every misguided choice or decision, diving into a story of tyranny, slavery and Deraco, murder and betrayal, of blind trust and justice, to do the right thing for the wrong reasons ...

Nohay pure hearts in this novel, and very few characters who sepuedan considered intrinsically good, and even altruism deYeine has its counterpoint in this search alasesinato response from his mother and his desire to avenge. No generosity ensus acts, and certainly marks all relations you can get aestablecer. However, there is no absolute evil and Disable ALL characters, except maybe one, "even the gods in amorality desu show at some point a candidate vulnerability loshace redemption. And the theme of love and delperdón is very present throughout the plot.

Noobstante in that part that should have been kinder, it antojaque the inevitable romance is gone with some plausibility faltade abruptly and with little natural, narrativaintroducida a necessity but a forced and without much coherenciacon the rest. The "single-sex scene is pretty traídapor hairs, with an excess of bombast and imágenesmetafísicas it is getting debierahaber strip of which was his real emotion. This attraction is a relationship quedesde the principle is shown to the reader as possible, insanaincluso, but far from the tragedy inherent in deseoirrealizable only thing is certain rejection eincredulidad awake.

Lanovela is told in first person from the point of view Yein , which gives a pleasant closeness and immediacy to the action, and Jemisin haintercalado occasional brief digressions from the "present" the story, with the voice of the protagonist forward allector mournful resonance facts that suggest that algoterrible has happened or is happening, increasing latensión and narrative without revealing in any way the final peroatrapando attention to what is to come. Dela protagonist's thoughts, showing some confusion about what a stranger challenges sucedidomientras partner, break the linealidadnarrativa, changing the focus with which to read the body dela novel, casting shadows and light on the events, qualifying and questioning sometimes recuerdosque the authenticity of the protagonist is telling.

Mientrasva advancing the story, she will discover that the History noes at all how you were taught-she and the entire world in a clear example of recursive " lahistoria the victors write "and have to dive a lot in search of the auténticasfuentes be told how to act. The background to the war gods, far away models in the past and full of Greco-Latin-reminiscenciasmitológicas their real causes, motivations yconsecuencias, manipulated in the interest of Arameri acquire importance unavital to understand the actions that must emprenderYeine and how to behave in the gods captive. Suesclarecimiento be a difficult but essential to choose the right path parapodia that away from her in principioinevitable sacrifice.

section Enel striking characters Dematic wealth in a few compared to the utter neglect of others. Full Frenteal Yein own portrait, to the fierce dichotomy Naha / Nahadoth, wing ambiguity T'vril , or ambivalence and attractive child's personality Sieh , archetypal clashes superficiality Scimina , fully dimensional terrible poor or lack of importance of characters yprofundidad called to be important as Relad , Viraine , Dekart oel other demi-gods ... and that seem somewhat "worked" flat and without true "spirit." There should, however, detract from the brilliant game that mirrors that laautora shipped to his readers, suggesting rather than showing the game lospoderosos.

Despite some obvious flaws ritmoy characterization of some of the minor characters, descriptions of places laescasez and scenarios or the lack of exploration and depth unaauténtica world created for laocasión-that the reader gets to know too, since laacción, despite the title, is almost entirely local in Heaven, Ysola are named and visit a couple of those realms very pocaimplicación or impact on the central plot, " LosCien Thousand Kingdoms isa very interesting first debut novel Jemisin .

Despite that already exists in English, published a sequel, thebroken Kingdoms , the truth is that this novel is absolutely autoconclusivos, it is appreciated quesiempre. In fact, the plot is so perfectamentecerrada that inevitable feeling curious to know how laautora will continue, although the title of the next novel and gives a clue.

ina war book without much fanfare, most of intrigue "courtesans" and political action itself, the excitement lies inthe contrafintas feints and in which finds herself Yein inthe attempt to save it as your own at least the life of their loved ones gentesy. In a tagline that is becoming yarecursiva, we hope that the publisher is not too late to offer readers alos below. At least hamerecido get here worthwhile.


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