Saturday, February 19, 2011

Top Gums And Roof Of Mouth Swollen

Review: Penance


JE Alamo.

Reseñade: Oliver Alb.

GrupoAjec. Col. Albemuth # 34. Granada, 2010. 223 pages.

Penance of JE, Alamo, is a novel I enjoyed reading. Suargumento is something that could be described as typical murderer seriously pursued by the security forces, but includes a puntosobrenatural that adds a touch curious hacerlainteresante necessary.

ElSegador , a serial murderer with religious motives, it seems cheese has settled in an area after taking ritualeserráticos murders, which makes police él.Ahí tighten the noose appears Aguirre, a member of the mysterious Agency must stop at all costs, and without notice suintervención authorities.

Deuno From characters very well built, a story unfolds quepese to be a thousand times we have read, attracts with its progress, watching the reactions of individuals to their surroundings. Elpersonaje the Reaper, which we have details of his childhood to develop psychopathic tendencies, says that "He" skiing explains what steps to perform, such as hosting Adona Prudence "Witch" and her adopted son (deformed disowned at the orphanage, and with small cannibalistic tendencies) as pawns in a larger plan, serving the Lord of lastinieblas.

otrolado we By Javier Aguirre, a man already advanced in years, the quesabemos who joined the Agency after discovering the infidelity of sumujer and face a separation process. Being what seconsidera a lone wolf, (apart from having other habits dedetective characteristic, such as smoking, and frequenter of bars) in estaocasión accepts his new companion, the young Quique Fernandez, who is the usual counterpoint, young, lively and passionate . ForYour surprise, Aguirre forged links with two side Baldo, unviejo resident in a nursing home, witness a crime yGloria, one of the caregivers with what appears to be developing something unarelación paternal.

Lospersonajes created by JE Alamo, have a small ampliahistoria gradually unveiled over the story, mostrándonoslas circumstances that blend into the plot, with great habilidad.Lo more underlined by the fact that in this book are querealmente human characters, as might be the protagonist elcamarero the bar on the corner of any reader. Many of lassituaciones are reflected in a daily reach to think ocasionespodría the reader is reading TalCual events occurred (this eliminates the supernatural factor).

In contrast, the reaper performs ritual killings, desacerdotes date, coming to bless altars of churches and write their victims lasangre a verse from Revelation . The other victims appear, suffer death situations gore cheese could consider when to exemplify some deellas only die to feed the child of Prudence. JEÁlamo delights in creating dark past, giving the atmosphere depoder say, this has happened before on this site geografíaespañola, or could pass.

losaspectos One of the plot that I disliked is that before reaching half the book, and one can sense what's behind delsecretismo Agency for little later to say lahipótesis of reader. In terms of style, sometimes the mismacosa is appreciated and in another are out of place. It mezclancontinuos flashback which look good when they get endescubrir aspects of the past, but others just cause lasensación reading disorder. At other times nosencontramos with two characters talking to the siguientepárrafo find one of them talking to a tercerapersona, without indicating any referenciatemporal change of scenery or certainly trying to give a cinematic tone alrelato.

Also, history is divided into chapters elnombre marked simply by the character, some of them just a paragraph flutes indicate the thoughts of the individual concerned.

quérecomendar work Why? Simple answer is a slight story with intrigue unadosis, exaggerated situations with naturalidadque taken would happen in real life, and enough interest in lospensamientos it would take just anyone. It becomes very amenatiene touches so that those who read, do not miss interest in the story.


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