Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hacking 3 Mobile Dongle

Review: The cemetery of reflexes

Cemetery reflexes.

Cambra Silvia Ibáñez.

Review: Oliver Alb

SWAT Group. Granada, 2010. 447 pages.

Interesting novel Cambra Silvia Ibanez, young Zaragoza, with whom he started his professional debut. To do this choose a story set in the city of Zaragoza during the years preceding the Civil War , telling two parallel stories until finally they are linked.

Cemetery reflexes, tells the story of Miguel Campos , a young family of lower middle class, who loves reading, which we are gradually seeing the rise and fulfill his dream of becoming a writer. We are told that we could consider a childhood trauma to all appearances, in which fate plays its amazing forms craving. In most marked by tragedy, almost any glimmer of positivity often backfires, which helps a lot to sympathize with the character.

If you ask me about the theme of the book, I could not really answer if it comes to love, mystery or overcome adversity in life, because we find it all skillfully mixed.

What begins as nonsense fueled by curiosity Adelaide, an orphan girl whom she cares for her grandfather, and share days with Michael in the care of his parents when the grandfather of it has to see doctors, slowly and after the years it takes to learn a love story that happened without their knowing, and having a nod to Romeo and Juliet . In part, the passage of time, the love story that emerges between the two, will not be easy.

Following a host of chances, Adelaide view a mausoleum in a letter to a young deceased, and Miguel , though reluctant, he promises to write the story behind these cards. As I said, there are several coincidences that lead to Miguel to know the protagonists of that story, and somehow become the protégé of Bruno Sanpedro , the owner of a strange mansion that begins inquiries of Miguel .

I have already commented that the story occurs in the period before the Civil War , so that as it develops, presents things happened then, as wealthy families who migrated to another country to escape it, or pictures of children begging or the state of the city with dead bodies everywhere.

could perhaps be said to fail at some point in the atmosphere, because despite the time which is situated or of naming streets and facilities are easily recognizable, the story could be at any other time or circumstance, not the war an important backdrop for the story.

interesting thing the book has to be the trip of Michael, from innocence to maturity, which seems nothing in life can go well, because when it appears that one of his goals have been met, another rapidly darkens. Maybe we do not notice the evolution of Miguel, showing as a child (starting with eight years) a very mature adult, but is accompanied with everyday situations that make it fun to follow his story.

In this aspect could be brought repeated behaviors in different characters, such as when one receives a wound, there is a sort of process, (hold hands, take the bath and treat with alcohol) we see three times in history. Also indicate that there are three girls throughout the story, they seem to be the same Adelaide, perhaps claiming some suggest that the main character is reminded of it.

On the other hand, the level of mystery is fully satisfactory, since rarely can guess what will happen next, seeing as the target of conspiracies and betrayals of a simple guy. There are cases like discovering that important to him death was no accident as initially assumed, and that gives rise to other situations that occur.
Perhaps in fairness, we think that there is an excess of coincidences in the book, but getting into the story is something that is easily overlooked, given that history puts us squarely in world, told from the point of view Miguel, having enough strength to do it.

As the story progresses, it becomes difficult not to read on, I really hooked me frames that show, full of surprises the reader and making sometimes think of different explanations, which in my case proved to be wrong.

What makes a sentence reading this book is that having made the effort to edit it in hardcover with dust, we find ourselves right from the prologue to huge errors when correction, as repeated phrases, the absence of determinants and other nonsense appearance, and many spelling errors, which remain chapter after chapter. Is there any occasion when you come to doubt whether it is a misspelling uncorrected machine or just a spell making mischief.

For a first work, we have a great story, perhaps polishing defects, that will be corrected with experience.


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