Thursday, February 17, 2011

Generator Mount&blade Pc Game

Where is masculinity?

Where are the men? I asked a friend, when we talked about his prolonged bachelorhood and her recent experiences with all kinds of cowardly, stupid and incompetent.

In recent days I saw the cover. Something I had never seen and that puzzled me. Postponed writing this, but with what I saw it was time to talk face to face about masculinity, about being a man on testosterone, what makes us men, men, male, males, whatever you want to call.

was quiet on a sunny day with a coffee at a popular site where I usually go to read and write and observe interactions of partners to further improve my skills of observation (year that I've been a good few years doing.) Suddenly, a couple sits next to me, it was about 24 years, it maybe about 25 or 26, they were talking and talking and occasionally holding hands and gave an occasional kiss, while I was reading and watching the environment. Suddenly she pulled out her makeup and makeup started at some point in their ritual of makeup she asked a favor to her boyfriend that the makeup, take it with a brush I do not know why in the face ...

To my surprise Young began to make up, casting shadows with clumsy movements, dust and God knows what else on the face of the woman, she laughed at his inexperience and he looked in the mirror and corrected him saying that a little more of this, not so much the other, he occasionally rewarded with a kiss. The woman taught as curling eyelashes, her eyes that use more color out of shadows. Finally, I looked in wonder, unable to believe what he saw.

I woke up with a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwriting on it that is just one of the gems that I've seen in our culture, and some trends that worry me as a man of my peers. And I'll say I'm not saying what to do or stop doing what I want is you examine the motivations of what you do, and stop doing things just to please. Also I want you to think about a question: what is it for you to be a man?

Although this world is all, and each day of life is another opportunity to marvel at things so crazy and unexpected passing day, I think we are witnessing a cultural bias that leads to the gradual feminization of men. Phenomenon that has had its counterpart in women, who in the process of being competitive, open spaces and social work adopted customs, attitudes, clothing styles, ways of men. It's actually quite common to find masculine women in high leadership positions. However

are under cultural pressures that have generated a process of feminization of man, far from asserting their masculinity plunges into habits, customs and female roles. Speaking

clearly we are in a time in which women have gained a greater participation, leadership, autonomy and freedom. Fortunately far have been times when the men bound the female will, subjected to the whims and opposed to women be educated, work and be creative and independent. Macho culture, along with some religious and political perspectives validated male power stating the humiliation and subjugation of women. The men were the masters of war, power, money, and women were relegated to a secondary role, in charge to please their husbands, raising children and maintaining homes. Although times were so Some women left a profound mark on history, they became masters of their own destiny and able to occupy prominent places, the price for many of them was very high.

Today women have won justly deserved places since ancient times, however far from evolving men have lost their way, the compass has lost its north and we are subjected and undecided about what it means to be a male a world where gender equality is becoming more widespread.

I'm sure your grandparents, great grandparents did not grow up and formed in a world where leaders were women, or where women were told what to do or not do, what say and what to keep. Today it is common this type of scenario, and men before the flood population of women very smart, prepared, eager to succeed professionally and personally have not known how to react.

One of the ways suggested by the culture is: know the world of women and make part of it. And I have nothing against women meet, understand, understand, love them, and others. What I am against is that this process cease to be men and turn into little women. Today men we are required to be expressive, emotional lovers and husbands, friends, warm and affectionate, devoted and involved parents, and that some have found it more confusing account.

I think many men who have given their masculinity, to the detriment of their identity, for feminize their appearance and habits. I remember some images of Cristiano Ronaldo, Beckham and many singers and celebrities, walking with bags of women, flowers in her hair, and female poses. Some tell me "but women are dying for them Naxos," I reply, women like men with money and celebrity, and of course there will be women to whom men like the makeup, heels and be put wear women's underwear. Anything. But by showing the celebrity culture models show a trend common to many men: mimics the female habits and be accepted.

I have seen many men in plans all-female, totally bored and frustrated, to be there rather than having a beer, to be playing pool, to be playing football in the park, watching an action movie. But no plan are friends, watching movies like "The Princess Diaries" or "Hannah Montana" or "Sex & the City", just to be with the woman they love, to accompany her and have her right next .

I am among those who defend and defend, without reaching the extremes of machismo, it is necessary to return to the roots of what makes us men, to repair the cultural patterns that invite us to lose our manhood just for being popular or being fashionable, to resign our tastes, habits and what our genes are asking us to please the social circle or your partner.

The man of today (see it on the younger) has nothing to do with the masculinity of yesteryear, with the classic Carl Gable, Marlon Brando, Kirk Douglas, now young men are mostly metrosexuals that sometimes it's easy to confuse aesthetics with women, men mannered.

This is a new man who is no longer made of all men, but worth less than all women. Supposedly we are on track to have no more men or more women, but we are all equal human beings necessarily the same, identical, indistinguishable, interchangeable. The society requires that men reveal unanimous "femininity" in them. With a willingness puzzling, uncertain, unhealthy, men do all they can to meet this ambitious agenda: to become a woman like any other. Expiring at the end, all archaic instincts.

Sometimes I look at many of the men and see that they are closer to becoming the princess in Giocomo Leticia Casanova. In Latin America is male Vicente Fernandez Mexican male model, has given way to his son, well mannered and very metrosexual Alejandro Fernández.Ahora football, men's sport par excellence, is filled with metrosexuals, exhibiting her jewels, her eyebrows plucked, lips moisturized while they kicked the ball. Platinni or players like Zidane and Michel are dinosaurs, old remnants of what once meant to be a man. And speaking of football I remember Eric Cantona, French footballer voluntarily exiled himself to England where he won with talent and testosterone, Cantona said that "a woman is not what they want, a woman is not what everyone seeks, but a transvestite , which is a bit of both. In real life, this called a model. "

These are some loose ideas of what I think is happening today, if any readers can supply this post with your experiences or a good article or work of sociological analysis of what is going to be great work on this topic. For those who read in English I recommend the Blog THE ART OF manliness, which talks about the lost masculinity of which only vestiges remain in your grandparents or great-grandparents.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!


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