Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cream With Burgundy Curtains

Review: The Strange



Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solano.

Minotaur. Col.Fantasía. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2011. Original title: Farlander. Translation: Simon Saito Navarro. 463 pages.

The Roshun sonasesinos sworn that provide special protection to quiencontrata services under the threat of an implacable vengeance, even at the expense of their own lives, against anyone who kills one of susprotegidos. Ash isa senior member of the group, still active, but with a delicate saludalgo faced with the enormous force of will that leaves yciertas relieve some atrocious headaches. In laúltima mission undertaken and circumstances thereof, assembly as shown in the prologue that opens the novel, the decision deentrenar an apprentice, something that had always mostradoreticente, for which elect Nico , a young man who lives badly in the streets of the besieged city of Bar-Khosa , as a pupil. And this is the beginning of an adventure that no two models really expect an adventure that will drag them porbuena part of their world to the heart of the conflict between Mann SacroImperio Ylos PuertosLibres of Mercia .

Buchanan HACR environment and develop your story, first of a trilogy, fantasy unmundo slightly different than usual in the géneroépico in what could be labeled the novel. A world dondeconviven edged weapons, daggers, swords and crossbows, with lapólvora, artillery and other firearms, where inventions almost "outdated"-if such a thing possible in a world invented, are in common use, such as trams, blimps, commandos, elevators or a hotel where everything funcionaechando curious coin boxes that release the choices, desdeabrir doors, use the bathroom or open the windows .. . A world 'fantastic', apparently on the verge of revoluciónindustrial, where magic is almost residual apenaspresencia, where there are, at least for the moment razasde other beings 'smart' beyond humans and where a PC from warrior monks have at its finest "art" and delasesinato vendetta afinandosus bodies and minds through meditation and exercises físicosmuy zen conreminiscencias of certain martial arts and eastern philosophy.

onthe many turns in the novel and ambitious themes: learning andthe growth, loyalty and unconditional laautoridad imposed rebellion against the religious fanaticism and totalitarianism, laética of good and evil depending on who makes the definitions, laherencia as a defining element of personality that marks the destination of the individuals, the feeling of belonging to a place opaís, antagonism peer and equal, political intrigue andall, justification and rationalization of lavenganza with the figure of the murderer as someone noble sesacrifica to fulfill a contract without regard for his own life, elsinsentido of war, aroused horror in that combatientesy can lead to incomprehensible decisions surrounding chelates, the meaning of family, the power of the mind forThe body ...

Elextraño Seabra a first part that seems an overly largaintroducción and could be described as shaky, even dedemasiado traditional and conventional, with the trip of a arquetípicoNico-the confused young man living in misery and that suddenly vedestinado large companies-to monasteriode Cheema YSU learning there, interacting with other pupils and suproceso adaptation, and presentation of a "bad" that nose away at that time in excess of the stereotypes that demandansus roles of cruelty, caprice, cynicism and depravity, being Kirkus , the imperial heir, a paradigm of it.

Entoncesel author a turning point in the novel when master and apprentice debenemprender an amazing mission of vengeance without Nico estépreparado yet at all. From there the action adquiereuna new dimension and interest, a wealth of nuances of the time quehasta suffered while Buchanan drops unascuantas surprises until the final resolution. The characters, buenosy bad, take on greater verisimilitude, giving their actions unajustificación, perhaps morally wrong but consistent with the chelae have to live with their education. The last terciodel book concentrates most of the tension of it, with unasucesión of fighting and confrontation that will not disappoint quieneshayan come all the way there.

Locierto is that the novel promises to start more than a priorientrega, sin a certain lack of pace and some minor characters dispersiónde motivates an obvious imbalance inthe narrative away the focus away from the main story line sinjustificar at all its importance and there appears to be no connection between them unaauténtica -tracking Bahn , for example, in defending the city of Bar-Khosa that seguramentetendrá very important in future installments, no aquísino serves to distract the reader from the plot sinaportar central rather than peripheral vision and far from the war in laque is immersed in the world where players must cope losauténticos, Ash and Nico - . Buchanan utilizamucho time and resources to build their world and set the stage condescripciones long and very detailed, offering his vision of ladesesperación where residents can drop a ciudadsitiada, consuming efforts and attention that delay the action, slowing it down needlessly without actually larelación see the main story of kinship beyond unea any of the characters involved.

Escua Nico Ash and venture into the heart of the Holy Roman Empire, with all its threats, where the novel takes its verdaderadimensión, offering a story that manages to surprise by showing momentosy finally , those in positions of real depth einterés. The attempt to introduce a romance in the plot is, fortunately, in intent, and subsequent events parasalpimentar serve and give greater dimension to the drama necessary.

Thus the end of the novel leaves things ready for the new series entregade, Shadow Stands with a closure points and where to go for the new direcciónemprendida. With this his first novel, ColBuchanan noconsigue pull himself up to the height of the first swords current genus, but points to some good manners, a dose of imaginacióny a fancy way of understanding that seem to predict your future interesantesobras, a potential that makes it more than worth arrest account for tracking. His attempt to offer the ambience Menosuno "different than usual is definitely something deagradecer and growth of the plot shown along lanovela well you deserve a vote of confidence. Be seen whether sigueevolucionando ...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Trust Transfer Deed California

The extraordinary power of NO

Imagine this: giving in to my words. now. You are the Emperor

put your name here. You have in your hands the destiny of a people, you are holding this immense feeling of power, a feeling that courses through your body and full of character. In your hands are the lives of others, your hands are free or imprison them in your hands is to go to war and invade foreign lands, take the barbarian lands and expand your empire. Just you the most powerful man in the world. You know, everyone knows it. They know it and would give anything to be your chosen. now.

is great have the power to decide. To do what you want. To say yes when you could have said NO. Say no when you could have said yes.

Personally I have perfected an art: to say NO.

After having gone through years and years of difficulty in refusing the will of others, I got something I want to share with you today is something that will at first be difficult, but once you do you will be filled by a power is simply delicious feeling.

One of the things that make you to be disrespected, and people take advantage of you, especially men and women abusing you is when you say that SI everything. When even your own principles and disrespect for fear, not to disappoint others or indulging yourself nicer finish difficulties in making your will, and fully prepared (but inside of impotence Ardas) to do the will of others.

Many carry a load of years and years of obedience to their mothers, their siblings, their grandparents, their teachers, their religion, their bosses, their subordinates, their governments ... to all . Have been conditioned since childhood to obey their mothers said things like "well ... I like a good boy." And they grew and there are mind saying yes to anything they ask, and if it means they will work twice, that will put money in your pocket, you lose sleep.

These men seem happy and willing complacent on the outside, but deep in the fund that psychologists study and see, there are people sad, frustrated, they are aware that 90% of cases are used, which know that they lack character, they were about to say NO and could not, that they should have said but it's too late, who missed another opportunity to assert themselves and simply do what they want. Yes, that fund is a tightness, a feeling of depression only you know and would never admit it, just say "no, no problem ... I do."

One of the first things that are wrong when you say yes to everything is that you become predictable, as predictable as that every day the sun rises. Predictability is one of the first things you learn is wrong with seduction, and with women is punishable by death. The second thing is wrong is that you put in a vulnerable position to be used, so take advantage of you.

What I want to do is directly address this trend and begin to assert your character based on assertiveness. The first step to do is strengthen your core values, building code, based on your principles, things that you like, the things you hate, what you believe you must do to achieve your goals and priorities. Should focus on yourself and think that, yours is the most important, and should say no to anything that does not go according to your code, what conflicts with what you have stated that is IMPORTANT.

What you find out for yourself is that you can say no and still maintain positive social relationships. Where you earn respect, where others really see what you think and not simply take for granted, where they know they're important and where they learn that you respect yourself. It's a business where even they win, they know that you are a person of a piece, and know they have a person of character next to them.

The SI is not only that word. It is when you say "I'm coming," "will," "agree", "okay", "right now." SAY NO protects you from the danger of wasting your time and energy, I will defend to being taken advantage of you, you say what you do not like will prevent others meddle in your affairs, you avoid meddling in affairs of others, you can truncate and reject attitudes or proposals unfair, offensive and deceitful. Here

give some very assertive ways to say NO and maintain a position of power, not a slave and servant.

1. do not personal NO: Instead of appearing to say NO because you do not like the person, or because you do not like, or because you called crazy, or because their plans are stupid, always points NO yourself and show that NO be the reason that you are following your rules. From this it follows that must be expressed the rule that you say no to something, for example:

* I can not go to the barbecue because I need time to read.

* I can not accompany you to the meeting on Friday I'll be busy in the farewell of a friend who has to travel

* I can not donate to the charity, personally I have as a rule only foundations donate to orphans.

But Naxos is always necessary to give explanations? Good question. In fact, most of the time you should avoid giving explanations, but in some contexts it is essential that people know you a little better and that is NOT an excuse to show a character trait you have. Remember that almost everything you do in social settings should not be free, everything must have an intention to bring value traits in yourself. Thus NO is a form of value to add you and say: I have principles, I have my stuff, I have character, I have POWER.

Do not justify your always NO, because you can sound like an excuse, NO switches between justified and unjustified NO. Check Point 10 in NO without justification.

2. Manipulate a little SI: I want to learn how to enjoy a bit with the power to say NO and the possibility that you'd have to say yes. And when I say you should say NO more often not thereby infer that you should be rude. Let them see others sympathetic to their request, but can not say yes, then release the resounding NO.

* I would have loved to go to your grandmother's birthday, but on Sunday I have a game of poker with my friends from college that long ago I do not see. Say hello to your grandmother on my part.

* poderte I would have liked to hire, however HR was an internal candidate who had accepted the job.

* I would have liked to go to the Convention, however I have my schedule completely full.

3. Let them see that what you thought before you say NO : Show people that you've taken your time to respond, before you consider your request not to accept it. Avoid sounding as a robot who says that without even taking time.

* At first I liked what I saw, but after analyzing it wisely I can not consider your application.

* I've thought through and I must say NO, but I have nothing against what you ask of me I can not just do it.

* I thought you and I can not accompany you to buy clothes, this afternoon I'll be busier than usual, and really the plan to buy clothing for women is not something that goes for me, you understand me, maybe they should invite your friend Carol, I'm sure will have fun. When buying lingerie may wish to accompany you and make my suggestions ...

4. offers a consolation prize : This point is controversial, but for me a good NO carries a great exercise of power, about yourself, about the circumstances on others. And to do this you use a mental framework of power, and offer comfort and do not go really puts you in a place like Gladiator Emperor, to decide what to do or not to the things of others.

* I can not go this year to the party of your grandfather, but send him my regards and then visit you and bring you something.

* I can not help with the test you have to do, but I can recommend a few books to look at the library.

5. It shows that the NO ultimately best for them : This is another way to get a little complacent with your canchero and NO and show that after all is NOT the best for them. And remember subtly show character traits in this phase.

* Do not go with the party, I'm too busy to be a good company. (Value: If you are a busy man and have things to do)

* I can not lend you money, I really am a nuisance collecting debts. Yes yes, I know I'll pay, but I'm a little hard with my finances. (Value: If you ordered with your accounts.)

6. Say NO helping others to say NO themselves: This is important, the vast majority of people who are proposing is something not to be alone in something they hate but have to do. So ultimately you can also release NO, this works a lot when you are NOT customers.

* I can not accompany you to the party of your company. After all I know you do not want to go, but remember that there's still time to say NO.

* If you're looking to do a quality job, this item should you not, I can recommend X and Y.

7. Let them know what would have been required to have told you if: shows what would have needed to go to you could have say YES. Although often not true, and you has been finally, think of this as a way of connecting with others in spite of NO.

* I wish to go, if it was a Sunday would have been delighted to attend.

* You could have done a better job, perhaps with greater effort and dedication to the next you will.

Having A

* I could say yes, but if he were a little cheaper I would have accepted.

8. Show holes in your request : Often people end up saying yes or agreeing to things that have no meaning, or future or flat will be a waste of time, money and resources. Do not be shy to show what is wrong with the request for you to be seen as a critical person, straightforward, yet honest and sensitive as to not hurt.

* I have to say no, because your proposal is very expensive compared to the last purchase I made.

* I can not go, what you plan to finish very late and not budget as regressive.

* I can not go, it's a weekday and the next day to work on, if you had planned a weekend no doubt that there would be.

9. Say no and it is your last word : Do not be those who say NO and then the others know that with some final words and strength to give in, you will not be No, and point, for better or for worse . For example, if you say you will not go to a meeting, then you know it will be someone important, not reverse, if you do, you will be manipulated and the other known how to turn your decisions. One of the things that happen with sometimes not that one is wrong but you have to face the consequences. "This is an immutable rule? Certainly not, what would we not think our decisions and correct them? But do not be a variable not a weathervane, stay in your position and gives out and never have to do it forever. You can use a phrase used by Vito Corleone in the Godfather movie (I recommend the scene in Godfather I, just as Vito says NO to the proposed Solozzo Virgil).

"My no is final"

10. If required do not justify the No: I learned this once when I had to stop treating someone. It was just too uncomfortable for me confront me with that person and say a thousand things to argue my desire not to see her again. To their questions simply told him "No, I have my reasons and I have the right to reservármelas, when we became friends ever explain it to you now will not tell you why I do not want to see you again." Punto. You own what you say and what shut. If you do not want to explain is your right to do so. Sometimes you do not want to do something simply because it does not want and now. Show it and when it happens.

Finally, do not burden with what is not yours. You are not responsible for the reaction of others to your refusal. If you are a pathological complacent at first feel guilt, just do not listen, this feeling will subside when you realize that your negative are not harmful.

Many, many have problems with the NO. One way to grow is by helping others to say NO. Try it. For example, women can say no, then release it from the obligation she feels to do that to invite you, then say "rather Feel free to say NO and go instead to a site know who I guarantee you will feel much better. "

To start the hunt!

Until next time!

How To Take A Flywheel Off A Bmx Bike

Review: The magic burning

Lamagia burning.
Kate Daniels 2.


Reseñade: JamieM.

Versatile. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010. Original title: Magic Burns. Translation: Daniel AldeaRossell.365 pages.

Estesegundo book in the series is open ended shortly after elanterior, Lamagia bites ; Kate (a mercenary resident paranormal Atlanta Ofa alternate world where magic and technology is ravaging enols occur and providing new ways of understanding the reality and live in it) worried about their financial situation has been forced to accept a position within the Order altiempo investigating some cases working for Gremiode Mercenaries . The greater frequency and duration magic wave coming sospecharque makes a rash, a period unleashed magic and powerful muchmore than usual, and where poderesverán beings endowed with the same greatly increased and unexpected criaturaspueden make an appearance.

In the midst of these circumstances, Kate, after dealing with a "special" arsonist, he was commissioned to recover some stolen maps to Herd models by a mysterious archer shifter with the ability deteletransportarse, a case that will keep track of unfall coven of witches, to receive under his wing at a confusajovencita after which they are a powerful and fearsome creatures mientrasbusca to his mother, intervene with Curran for a couple wanting to marry supermiso to mingle dangerously with ciertastradiciones Celtic to join a werewolf and a vampire ina uneasy alliance, and to grips with their vidaarriesgándola however many times.

Andrews demuestrauna deep mythological documentation either plasmadade synthesized and attractive way into the action. Realmenteintrigante has created a world and now works formasinsospechadas increase their limits, but enormously entertaining. burning Lamagia isa FantasíaUrbana , with touches of dark and a little romance, a literary vehicle full deacción yet makes some interesting questions, showing humanity, empathy, often employed algénero. Kate knows that sometimes there are things, ideas or people chipped worth sacrificing life and Julie isa them. The protagonist is a tough lady, realistic, but with a big heart, sometimes acts on impulse before thinking, ymuchas times its mouth, or rather the rants coming out for it, lost and more would be quiet, but at the same time that dicees what any "normal" person would think if encontraseen situations which is constantly involved, Whatis so easy to empathize with her. Along lanovela pages, narrated in first person by Kate herself, they will irdesvelando certain secrets from his past to explain the depthof its powers and fears, getting the reader vayaconociendo better understanding what has taken to be as it is and aactuar it works, and posing new questions for futurasentregas.

Enmedio so much tension and violence, much threat bloody laprotagonista does not hesitate to launch quesuavizan repartee and fun with a direct humor the difficult relationships in which seve involved, the protagonist speaks first and thinks later, sinpreocuparse of all the problems that on you. The sexual palpabletensión between Kate and Curran, that permeates all diálogosy scenes, creating a counterpoint unstable in their ways, leading withthe resisting against all odds and alfainsistiendo without much subtlety. Kate does not fall that rendered wings first exchange Andrews demonstrates the ability to take in relation to an unpredictable land where two personalidadesarrolladoras should end up crashing. It will not be here yet, HOWEVER.

Curran crececomo character, showing no more tender side (still thesame arrogant and violent thug of the previous novel ), but at least more consciously moral self, placing the honor and selfless elsacrificio well above other considerations.

Elpersonaje of Bran , initially a rogue thief who will be showing a lot of mass over the novel, is sympathetic and reprehensible at a time, reaching a vital importance in the plot. Insurance pessimism, boastful, indefatigable conqueror, used to salirsesiempre with it, bold and shameless, cheeky ymujeriego, get a place on the reader's heart casisin one will notice. The enormous importance in the history terminaadquiriendo and sensual showing interest in a jam will Porella the protagonist and the tense relationship quemantiene with Curran and his continued attention.

Without doubt one of the great successes of the "author" is to have surrounded the star of a large group of interesting side, each with its own personality and its own problems: Andrea , Red, Saiman, Julie, Derek, Ghastek ... perfect replica inall give Kate time.

burning Lamagia isa book with a fast-paced (perhaps even too much) Noda rest or respite that at no time, full of emotion, deviolencia, energy, blood, humor, mystery, supernatural beings unmontón with its own idiosyncrasies and ciertaoriginalidad of which already boasted the first delivery, untoque of romance ... A consumer product fast, a speed reading pasapáginasde, pure entertainment dejainsatisfecho not, with certain elements and details, trivial, and failed to seperciben (why the waves fail lastecnologías modern magic, but older ones do not?) But no matter queterminan at all. A book, no doubt, superior alanterior, with a stronger frame with a deescenario and deeper characters and a more firm, and leaves more conganas. I'm hoping that the publisher published the third.


Review of other works by author:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reduce Swelling From Kracking Knukles

Fleeing women interested

One of the first clients of coaching that I had hired me because he wanted to win "definitely" a woman with whom he had had several meetings, but, according to him, had the upper hand. He wanted to conquer it so that it was he who had the bull by the command and not her. When he began to tell his story and as I was aware I was doing a very precise idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was happening.

This gentleman, was about 39, overweight and not very attractive, her features male dominance were rather few, still lived with his mother, was a scholar, university professor, devoted to books and fantasizing about her students. As said Robert Greene, one of the perfect victims of seduction are the teachers, since they are focused solely on his intellect, most are rather clumsy in the battles of seduction and women therefore very natural and Mermaid prototype the conquers easy.

So that is. One student began to look with the intention to cloud their view to, in principle, get good grades. Then the teacher discovered a good solo financial sponsor. This woman began to give certain things (some nights of pleasure), and in return asked dinners in the most expensive trips to the more expensive hotels in the nearby cities, then spoke of the tragedy that had his mom with some debts, then told him that his dream was always to increase the size of the breast and get a laser liposuction, in order, one after another, the professor began to fulfill all the dreams of this woman, dropping a ticket after another, until the time I talked to him told me that this woman had lost about 45 billion pesos ($ 23,000) in 12 months.

This woman is far from being ashamed of what he did, he blamed himself that he was not more generous and that she always played things to ask. This caused the professor to buy him expensive gifts, paid him an apartment (which sometimes served as a motel for him) and also ended up paying for college. What would be the teacher's surprise when one day another woman started dating someone else, a handsome young college man, this woman was still giving some pleasure to the teacher, but always as a consideration for some favor he did to her economic .

What I wanted the teacher when spoke to me was that she let this man and fell at his feet rendered and fulfilled the dream that she invited him to live in the apartment that he was paying. A madness. One of the things I personally do not make promises it is impossible to my clients, and the reality principle that I gave was that it would be impossible because she would never see a man but as a wallet. And the situation with this woman was to be simply irrelevant.

The story comes to this post just to talk about women who are after your wallet, not you, as a person, human being. This is rather complicated when you start having life success and have your money in the bank, invested in and have your comforts. For some it may be quite complex to distinguish the real interest, original and genuine interest in a woman and she can take you as a wallet, as a provider of comfort, tastes and whims. This type of women who go after yours just because you have money, but if you did not have voltearían you just do not say hello.

And believe me when I say that in fact there are women who crushes the wallet, they refuse and say that I love you as a person, and go with you to the end of the world. And feel the same way a real crush, butterflies stomach, I think all day, feel anxious to see you and all that. Yet the truth is that they lack a sense of generosity, his heart is cold and lifeless, they think only in material terms, are too vain and capricious. It's really a disgrace and meeting women.

in any field will find this type of women who want to climb socially ambitious women who use their charms to get money from men, women who can not provide a way uninterested in a relationship. Not have to be a tycoon tycoon for these women to find you and unfortunately, as in the case of my former client, the physical appearance of a woman, and apparently she likes to feel that you can nublarte the trial and think something of genuine attraction, infatuation or love in it.

My idea now is to give you some clues so you can distinguish some "details" that may go unnoticed but that show character traits of a woman interested in money:

1. Want expensive gifts, not satisfied with anything that is not fashionable, it is not expensive. If you think a romantic letter will suffice, then you are wrong, for her luxury, exclusivity, brand is everything, I will know, and you can feel his disgust a gift "very generous", I say you deserve the best and you better find out.

2. never pays, never invites : Its main feature is the lack of generosity, the lack of reciprocity, is not detailed and expect to be treated like Marie Antoinette, waiting red carpet at his feet and details at any time. The framework handles such a woman is that "men always pay." She will never amount to anything, always pay with sex and pleasure, this is her way of surviving. If you're with a woman so you have an empty relation, based on the physical part will soon run out if she finds someone with more money. You will never have the certainty that she is with you for you, so you are, but what you have.

3. feel comfortable being a woman, no profound long-term objectives : This is very interesting, when you talk to this woman does not feel like you have purpose in your life, let alone not seem to have intention to work hard to achieve things in life. These women fall into two classes: educated women as princesses from girls, capricious and had everything at hand, and female careerists who had a poor childhood and with little access to privileges, but who feel they should get someone to give life they deserve and climb the social ladder. Ultimately these women are empty and have no sense of challenge in life, they want everything you do and everything you put. Do not move a finger. Cree have a right to everything, so it is unfair to your stuff.

4. is too curious about your financial situation : From day one not ashamed to ask for your income, your debts, assets and liabilities you have. If you respond well to your questions will be with you regarding your income and it will calculate when to ask and expect of you, and believe me it will be very ambitious. As long as you're with her will egoísta e incluso hará que pierdas oportunidades con tal de amarrarte a su lado. Hay algunas tan peligrosas que incluso te retendrán quedando embarazadas de ti, he visto muchos hombres dejando atrás una beca en el exterior porque su ambiciosa compañera desea retener su alcancía al lado.

5. Mujeres físicamente atractivas : Mujeres cargadas de sensualidad y sexualidad, que sospechosamente parecen estar “muy dispuestas”. Aunque pueda haber mujeres interesadas poco atractivas, las muy hermosas son un verdadero peligro porque estimulan tu ego, tu propia vanidad, te sientes bien de salir con ellas y tú también las utilizas un poco a la forma de trofeo de exhibición. However, they also are you using and a latent form are "charging" and accompany or be involved with you. Are right to act in men with low self-esteem, men spent years, and wealthy men, but physically unattractive.

6. His pattern of sexual reward is markedly : This means that you will enter in the pattern of reward / punishment sexual. When you want something persuade giving pleasure, whimsical when you just say no to sex is that day. In the end you have tampered with their attributes, fully conditioned and she, as in the case of my client, will the upper hand.

7. They are extremely jealous : Your handling mechanism is as good at his job the first thing they will do is isolate yourself from friends, family and of course, other women, your friends, your mom, your grandmother. The purpose is simply to isolate avoid some sensible friend or family member opens your eyes and brought to light.

8. Letters in front of you using its attributes with others to get what you want : You see a simple discount for flirting with the seller, who has a friend who shows her cleavage to help you with work for the semester , clicking flirts with a man that will change the tire. The woman concerned will do even before you, because it is the way they get what they want for however simple, that's all it will not move a finger, you'll want others (and yourself of course) the attend and will make life easier.

9. are obsessed with status : Ambition is the word that defines them, yearn for a good status, good social status, full of comfort, luxury and taste. As the vast majority of people reject careerists who have low social status, are arrogant and hateful to waiters, cleaners, caretakers and persons providing services. Not interested in social or economic problems of their country, are indifferent to the injustices of society. Just do not care.

10. Her friends also fulfill their ambition profile: She is not alone, belongs to a club: The club of super-ambitious girls. The modus operandi of these women means that they operate in groups, I have seen groups of these women in the clubs, hunting high profile executives, foreigners, drug candidates, university students from the best university in the country. are several, and each game is followed by another and you can say "I never saw so much in love as is for you. "

11. are markedly vain: His style of dress, tastes demonstrate attachment to the material, are governed by the visual, easily judging who is not fashionable or not attractive (a), his judgments lack depth and although they may be smart and prepared their intelligence is more than just a gimmick to get what they want.

If you fall into the hands of women so as far as you flee. Be sure not to seduce with your wallet, more bulky than you. Looking for working women, to fight for their goals, they are generous and disinterested, and be a little wary because not everything that glitters is gold.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!

Ceiling Fan Hamilton Bay

Review: Depths



Reseñade: SantiagoG ª Solans .

GrupoAjec . Col. Penumbra # 1. Granada, 2011. 223 pages.

DavidJasso inauguracon the publication of his first anthology of the new collection GrupoAJEC : Penumbra; " dedicadaa those genres dark in the broadest sense deltérmino " . Depths reunecinco narratives swim between the psychological terror elparanormal, some stories that go with distaste scratching regret that find the shock or the shock, horror but terrorpuro, suspense and tension in degree, and some mystery, creandouna sense of unease in the reader, of uneasiness with foulbrood come. With a few and books on their backs, their arms vaafilando Jasso literary offering, in a starkly dealguna writing, very direct, powerful images casicinematográficas that stick in the reader's imagination, brilliant metaphors and ellipses of concern successful than simply describe sise all direct and crudely made. Hadepurado undoubtedly style obrasanteriores somewhat hasty, unifying style and offering a powerful voznarradora-both at first and third person, that ambashay in these stories.

Inthe most accounts, starting of an event or object enapariencia irrelevant, bland, Jasso vaconstruyendo an oppressive atmosphere that makes the nerves, waiting outcome with a certain uneasiness, knowing queespera a last nail in the coffin before the last word delcuento. All part of the everyday, go inside, layer after layer of dense accumulation, in the stunning atmosphere of an unknown threat or too close.

Enel story that opens the volume, Elhuevo , a silly girl, a bad idea product of boredom, vaa make all perfectly-ordered life upside of Queno no turning back. Leo , a guy who is alone in his grandmother's house, has laperegrina idea of \u200b\u200bthrowing an egg off the balcony on the head dealgún 'Noob 'that go down the street and see how he reacts thesame. He looks like something fun, exciting, the perfect deromper boredom at the expense of an innocent victim is not expected, literally, what is coming. But the "victim" will not aencontrarle precisely the grace of the issue, deciding to give the brat buenalección which will lead to mental torture to nivelque verges on sadism. The author manages to convey a perfect laforma that thoughts of both protagonists are "evolving" as they interact, the ball is vaenredando more and the boy's terror grows as lavíctima becomes a stalker.

In labrum , one of the five previously published stories, unconductor is recovering in a hospital of the psychological impact ofa traffic accident, in which he himself was at fault, and died elque his wife and daughter. In and out of that brumamental produced by medicines that are administered, conoceráa a young anorexic who has the ability to transmit susemociones some people, creating in them a strong lazoempático that she feels feel or have felt in elpasa. Ready to take his condition to his fatalesconsecuencias, the young man will find a staunch ally inits Hospital plan to escape. But what if he had hidden in their acquiescence unaintencionalidad? The great thing confuerza hits, although there remains the question of reality or not, unrelated to the mundane on the other hand, which takes its strength too dosgrandes current social ills and leave terriblessecuelas in those who suffer. The final twist, unexpected hit withthe load strength of a deep irony.

The author shortly before his entry "hospital"
Lacotidianidad of Eltubo surgede the presence in the hands of two children, two brothers, an ordinary deapariencia object, the tube's title story, queadquiere amazing features as the plot progresses, anObject "innocent" Wicked, which was first given the mood for a great adelantotecnológico its amazing features but delves quepronto in the territory of the mystical. On the way deexploración of the two boys, without leaving your own room, lies the curious child, unconsciously seeking answers Porella price to pay, and the love for a lost father, who died in an accident detráfico, a combination can produce results when menosinquietantes, if not catastrophic. There is a weak but curious connection with the above account, and is a tangible demonstration deque when Jasso gives his characters some hope is paramachacarlos more grudge-as seen also in elrest stories. With a perfect structure, a construction magníficotrabajo, especially psychological dehermanos partner and a tension that goes up step by step conformevan experimenting with the object in question, Eltubo is undoubtedly the best and most elaborate account of the anthology.

In Elcine onthe premise is to use a previously not widely used, both in literature and movies, less boring: ladesaparición a close in strange circumstances and subúsqueda desperate. In this case Sonia , the protagonist's girlfriend, disappears in the film go to the bathroom in the middle of the projection of a horror movie zombie-yaque are so fashion-which has been dragged by her boyfriend, a detail that has been the subject of discussion with earlier bland. Jasso will play with the question of whether or not young habríatenido reason to leave hanging the protagonist, whether voluntarily or hadesaparecido something bad has happened while queél between anger and concern coming finalmentehasta sheer desperation. The ending feels, with that explanation intentode between technology and the supernatural, perhaps untanto forced, leaving some questions diffuse into the air without quepor it detracts from the result.

Laantología closes with Latextura your skin , the story of a young man who goes to a session with a psychiatrist, through which slowly unravels lasrazones his painful past and which have led to this consultation. Unaextraordinaria equipped with "ability" in their lives will intersect the first love despertarhormonal a sweeping and somewhat inexplicable, even absurd, as any adolescent love. The vain desire and jealousy develop in the psyche of a mentally unstable young woman, dragging it an inevitable slope towards lalocura and revenge. It is regrettable that this last story, the Quevar to be more "fresh" in the mind of the reader, it also feels a elque weaker form of the five. The diferentespartes of the narrative, rather disjointed, do not end up marrying soft deformation including cravings that there are chapters that másparecen added somewhat to achieve a determinadalongitud false, and others that perhaps should have been more worked oexplicadas. The unnecessary Foreword also advances key too final, lowering of algunamanera, minus some intrigue. It's a good story, but it suffers compared tothe rest to be a step below dela great height reached by the others.

Lascinco stories are accompanied by a game the author metaliterary alkenyl "invited" to its readers, making them accomplices volume delas stories through a prologue Yde an epilogue as a author unaspalabras inthe the same Jasso seconvierte in character, thus achieving rapport especialcon the unwary that enter unnoticed in Depths queocultan these pages za risk of his own sanity. Which each venture into these chasms cuals under his propiaresponsabilidad psychological, could end up discovering a certain gustoperverso by madness and do not emerge unscathed from the experience.


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