Monday, January 24, 2011

Whats The Best Rom Reader For Ds

1: Neil Strauss writes about the vices of the community

Ross Jeffries few months ago started a blog to report fraud and lies some individuals who have taken the seduction as a business for profit deceiving others. And it has exposed more than a scammer avivato. Ross's position is similar to mine: there is nothing wrong with making money if you do something good and original, the devil is in lying and cheating people by offering shoddy products, misfits, which are not yours or Liars. Ross's blog is quite entertaining, and you can find here .

This blog has sparked a letter from Neil Strauss "Style", author of "The Game" (poorly translated in English as "method") and "The Rules of the Game" (not yet published in English). I wanted to translate it because I think it has some very interesting and we can help to strengthen our approach in this world of seduction. Also because it is invaluable pearls of knowledge.

"The seduction community is dead.

has been replaced by the seduction industry.

And this has not been any good for us men.

When I first discovered this world, very little happening Commercially speaking, Ross Jeffries was mainly seminars. Eventually Mystery invented the concept of camp and introduced David DeAngelo internet marketing this subculture. But most other "gurus" were not in the game for financial reasons. They were to share their knowledge. And above all, a body of shared knowledge was something that every PUA-be rivals or not, commercial or non-regular shared.

But now things have been divided, and especially by the intense competition for money. I think there were signs of this at the end of the book "The Method" and if there is any negative impact the book has been the explosion of inexpensive marketing and qualified instructors. When experts once debated the newest and best techniques for approaching and attracting women now sit to discuss better ways to manipulate men who want to learn this.

has become confusing for men to enter the game now, unlike when it was all centralized, because there are many search pages optimized and forums with a commercial agenda giving information completely contradictory and false promises.

Although this has been so for some time, I write this because I have been receiving an increasing number of emails from people saying they've spent their money on a seminar or camp and had a bad experience and now feel angry and upset with the community. These people become trolls and start hate campaigns against Internet sites rather than follow his path of improvement.

So no matter the teacher or product you choose, stay aware of the following trends are wounded men in the seduction community:

1. The blind leading the blind : Many men take a camp or seminar, memorize the principles and start a company regurgitating others who have a little less knowledge. The problem is to learn the game is different to apply. Make sure the person who has mastered the skills taught himself (and has made substantial progress with their own personal development) before you teach.

2. Creating false distinctions as marketing tools : It never ceases to amaze me when a guy comes out and says "I only do direct play" and then proceeds to tell me still a virgin. Any company or person who tells you only play it direct or indirect game or whatever game fails to understand one of the cornerstones on which the game is based. Simply put, you can direct match if the woman you're approaching and you feel attracted to you or your status on the site is more something than hers. Use indirect stake if she still does not feel attracted to you or if their status is higher. The same goes for people who try to teach only the fun of game day or night, or sarge, or seduction for any specific community. Any difference is relatively minor and easy to customize once you have understood universal principles governing human nature and sexual selection.

3. Natural unnatural teaching: It is easy for students to admire a handsome man and you always get good looking women attractive. But often (not always) what works for men does not work for men who have struggled to get women in your life. What often happens in these camps or seminars is a kind of peer pressure exerted on students to do what the instructor believes is "right", even if it does not produce results for the student. Many of them are simply based teaching in the "common sense", clichés that have been around forever. He does not work thinking about the average man, which leads to success for many women is a hopeless project.

4. Misinterpreting intentionally principles: Through programs like The Pick Up Artist, VH1, has become a Mystery easy to confuse the message, and despise all: "Dress like an idiot using snakeskin and doing tricks for women." As anyone who has read the "Rules of the game" knows, no one would recommend the swagger or do magic. THE POWER OF THE GAME IS ON THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN NATURE the subtleties of SOCIAL INTERACTIONS AND DECISIONS. If a guy is replacing one form of borrowing (pray for an appointment) for another (do tricks or fancy clothing to attract attention), is losing focus, which is highlighted in a unique, irresistible, instead of unneeded be like any other boring. To succeed you need to come from a place of curiosity, positivity and joy with life.

5. People who want to be a sect of some : Many people enter the game not necessarily to meet women, but to be accepted socially. And once you begin to have fans get addicted to it. The problem is that one does not grow getting flatterers but learning from people who are better than one too. This also happens to many women coaches who do not understand their own process of seduction, but simply enjoy the attention of men and to take money. Beware of fans more interested in collecting and beat their competitors to achieve real success with their students.

6. claim that women need a type "different" game every year : My favorite marketing ploy is when they say they went out of fashion style and another is novelty. Anyone who has read "The art of seduction" knows that the same patterns that worked in historical romances work today. Human nature does not evolve so quickly. And although the specific words or lines you can use may be changed or updated, the principles by which work will always be true to yourself, your children, for your grandchildren. The knowledge and techniques can improve year after year, but simply will not change. "

A clear text, which leaves no doubt that this has become for many a business and not a way to build and contribute to the improvement of those the reading, attending courses, etc.. The same applies to those who teach NLP, leadership, technology and other improvements, it is necessary to distinguish the wheat from tares. If you reread it gives us the lines that you can even browse Style basics of seduction can be learned. I'll stick with the simple distinction of when to use and when not to use the direct or indirect stake, clearer and simpler is impossible. The seduction is in simplicity.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!

--------------- PS: This new section invites Naxos, translate or comment on the texts of other teachers who consider that they bring to our growth and our journey as seductive.


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