Monday, January 17, 2011

Gruha Pravesha Invitation

doubt yourself when

"If you doubt yourself, you're up in advance"

Henrik Johan Ibsen .

When I think of what is seductive, I think of it more in the way of Zen Buddhism, that is, an approach, but not a method. The method is a series of steps that will lead to a result, while when it comes to seduction talked many times in a series of moments, stages, steps required is also effective it can be thought of as an approach. When I say focus, I mean an attitude, a point of view towards life, an alertness, focus and point of view allows us to something wonderful, and the ability to improvise, creative freedom, be free and go where we please.

When you begin this journey begins with rules, with frames, which define key points that should be taken into account, but then eventually need to learn that seduction is about looking a certain way the world of women, the male world and the relationships between human beings.

I often used to noticing much happening in the scripts, to ask if he was in the process of attraction or had already begun to build comfort, if it was time or not such a thing. But what haunted me was a constant internal noise in a question that went something like: What

am I doing?

Will I am liking?

And it took me a terrible doubt about myself. Beginning to wonder whether it was appropriate, if it was true that I could move to the next level with this woman, if she would not be looking for something "better" than me. And self-esteem began to suffer.

The big lesson came from the person he least expected. One day he went to college where I studied a very important player, the director of the Philharmonic not know what country in Europe. He gave a concert impeccable total connection with the public, music that lifts you and made you go into another dimension, instruments coordinated, perfect direction, applause which continued to admire each composition, musical detail but we had no idea what was happening there, we could see that it sounded very good.

At the end of the work, the director was talking about music with the audience. And I remember something he said that from now guides my way of socializing. He told us that the worst thing someone could do instead of conductor was doubt himself, wondering if he was doing right or wrong while he was acting, because it barred him from the time and away from the public. That was enough for him to hear the applause from the audience and it gave him the answers. And he said something that is what I want to share you today:

Everything in life is about contribution. To tantalize your mind with doubt yourself you're not connecting with people, you're putting an invisible glass between you and the people where you are isolated. When that happens it is easier to make mistakes. Thought to be present at the time, here and now, deal with the person you're talking about, think you're contributing something, you have a value and that value comes out of your pores.


If there is no contribution.

And I add the following: If you do not connect no seduction. Think connect with mujers. You need to connect with people, that is precisely what is to create comfort, you and the woman they connect to vibrate in the same frequency, there is complicity and comfort next to each other. If you connect you will create a bond she will want to repeat. Not always connect in the offline world. If you do that you've given something, you've contributed. And that is created when you stop doubting yourself, no matter how inexperienced you are, you have a share value and if you are contributing and connecting: seduction is inevitable.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!


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