Monday, January 3, 2011

Preparation H And Saran Wrap

Interior Office: Office Seduction in

Today I want to share a query from a dear reader, on a subject more interesting: the seduction in the workplace:

Hi, I read your blog from a year ago exactly. I've come all and I find something I am setting out in those days. You see, I have 30 years working in my office with a woman I love, I like it too, and it is difficult for me to think about what I do, mostly because I see it as an independent woman, so I can hear is a woman very sociable and something that hinders me the mind is thinking how if I was approached my co-worker? I think it would be easier if she were a stranger because I would have to see if by chance I'm wrong, but imagine having to see her every day if suddenly fail as a couple or if I refused. Please I need your help.

Dear reader, thanks for writing. Indeed the issue of seducing a coworker is something you do not have dedicated space and boy does it is an interesting topic. Before being very practical with some procedural things to keep in mind is necessary to clarify a few issues regarding your beliefs that are not tight and you can sabotage any strategy that I propose:

1. One of the main block at the time to seduce is to think of what I call THE BEST POSSIBLE WORLDS . That is, many have a chance IMPERFECT and engage in thinking about how things would be wonderful if the timing was perfect. I mean that in your email you say "I think it would be easier if she were a stranger", about exactly what I mean when I say that we often want everything to be according to the best of all possible worlds, and my dear friends, that CASI NEVER happens. The stars are not aligned to seduce a woman, she did not appear before you, or you want to tell you as you wonder unbuttoning her blouse to let the air its huge cleavage. The belief that I give is: OPPORTUNITIES COME TO BE TRAPPED AS. The vast majority are far from appropriate, or in the right place, in fact, a funny thing happened to me at one time is that the chances of seduction gave me when I was sick and not feeling well physically (any cold, exhaustion, insomnia seasons) and I catch myself saying "How can be this good run if I'm not even presentable enough to go out? Well that's life, opportunities come in ways that a pear is not there to take them.

2. Programming failure: You have another belief really uncomfortable in this way: you are setting up for failure from now. And while it is true that we must be realistic if you need something to take the risk, when you say "if suddenly fail as a couple or if I reject." When you say that I am sure your mind is imagining scenarios where successive fight, ending a potential relationship, she rejects you, everyone in the company found out, I'm sorry you all know that you could not, it bothers the ego, you feel humiliated, she laughs out loud how stupid you are and what beast you are, and so on ... do you think is so easy to summon an inferno. So if you start something, go out with a woman, make a business out of town, do not imagine the worst scenarios, or as I call it the worst of possible worlds, but they focus on positive beliefs in your imagination visualize how things will turn out, how do you find the right words, how can improvise and adapt, how they feel strongly attracted to you.

3. Trap yourself : Another belief that does not mention it verbatim but I can read between the lines is that you care too much what people say. And I understand this as one of the biggest obstacles in the field of seduction. Many trainees when they go hunting with friends dare not ashamed to more things because they look ridiculous, like when a college friend who think they care much peers, when they work like a person concerned about what they think the leaders, colleagues, even when they are alone they are ashamed of themselves. It is as if we had to face a mirror that is always with us and has the power to make them look naked. Well I tell you, dear reader, that one of the first seductive attitudes should be: I DO NOT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK, JUST WANT THE BEST FOR ME WHO LIKES Gustel. You can not let others limit you what you deserve or need or want. The most interesting part is that the vast majority of things that scare us from others are only in our imagination and not in others. So escape the trap yourself.

After reviewing your beliefs and your mental programming, I will give some clues too short to seduce your co-worker.

1. Try not to present yourself as a "colleague" . Being a "colleague" may frighten women and repel the idea of \u200b\u200bdating you. The same thing happens to you, it just scares you because you've put in place of "my co-worker" and that as far removed from the spectrum. It's just a woman. What should be part of your approach? That of an outsider, you have the role of worker desmarcarte Company X, and show as a relaxed person, far from the shackles of routine, a person who enjoys what he does.

2. Labor issues are great ice-breaker , as is the theme that they share and have in common. But labor issues as a pretext operate only , you have to take it to talk about topics other than work, likes, family, past, desires, etc. If you can find a common ground and work apart from what you have entered in the direct line to move to a more personal level.

3. Use the advantage of the work. People at work are usually prevented, stressed, depressed, or even dissatisfied, at this two attitudes are key:

* Do not complain too much at work, but inside you feel it, women on the job site like optimistic men. I do not mean to rave about your work, but simply show joy for life, for your tastes, interests, goals, you have good humor, etc.

* Use the archetype of the rebel : in the workplace, most women are attracted to those who challenge the status quo, to whom they relax, who do not take things too seriously. Mind you, not to say that it is to be mediocre, it can be an effective worker but not alienate leaves, is free, resolved and does things his own way.

* Show yourself a reliable person. At work people are a little paranoid in relation to competitors, There are a lot of gossip and struggle for power. Show yourself as a person away from those issues, and talk to her about the personal life of each, that will make her relax and trust you. Remember that one of the most popular beliefs in the workplace is, "I came here to work, not to make friends." The reason is that it feels that the work is on one side and the other staff, which when combined will fail. However, against this belief, surely it will, it is necessary to fight, for it will give you a simple strategy of NLP, and imaginary stories that tell about how you have worked in other places and all you have left after you leave them are people you've known. For example one day I can say, "Well, today I need to leave early, let's have some beers with a couple of friends from my old job. I met them at a very hard job, but have been very close to me, especially Carolina (put the female name you want) ... "And leave it there, is an unfinished story, they have not finished the short history of insinuating about that mate, believe me, your unconscious will continue to work on that unfinished story. Moreover, the hidden content of the story is "possible to establish a working relationship and that this move forward."

4. Take any offsite event , birthday parties, meetings, whatever it takes to attend. On those occasions, especially if they are parties, you can take to get closer to it. The advantage of these meetings outside of work is not feeling the pressure would have an appointment, and may be spontaneous with it and cultivate a friendship.

5. Connect with it as much as possible , befriend her on Facebook, text messaging, blackberry, whatever. If you're late for work, send a message to her to help you cover yourself. Do your best to chat with her when you're not in direct contact with it (which is why most prohibit business relationships between workers, because hinder productivity, but what are you going to do.) You have to become his accomplice, his refuge from the drudgery of work. They take the opportunity to deepen your work of seduction.

6. The seduction the job site running the same principles of any other seduction : basically, do not be hard, do not show it needed, not always looking to talk, when you trust other people looking for her to see that no only with it you can talk, laugh and have fun, they flirt, play intentionally looks, the misunderstandings, for example, if you speak certainly a lot with her people speak, you can take that to your advantage, to flirt more with her and say things like "you and I seem boyfriends right? We are getting sooo boring! "

7. advantage to leave it alone . PUB type begins with plans, go out and drink beer, pick a good spot, relax and take advantage of good music and atmosphere of the site to make your approach.

8. ready for objections she may have some connection to : "we are in the same job," "what will people say," What did the boss, " "And now how we do." Think about it before everything and preparing responses for when those moments arrive.

9. Apply discretion when you start the relationship : do not say, do not tell, do not show, plain and simple. The more discreet you'll enjoy it more, take advantage of the emotions of the secret. Suggest that while starting all keep things "low profile" (yes, just use that word) so that the work environment affects the relationship, and designs a relationship based on secrecy and complicity. The emotions generated will be unique.

People spend 70% of their time in the workplace, so it is emerging more than normal feelings between people. So it's a good opportunity to have a relationship with someone important to you.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!

------------------- Thanks to all of you for reading at the fourth anniversary of the blog. I really appreciate it and hope to meet their expectations in this new year.


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