Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lap Swimming With Snorkel

foreign Angeles. The Sandman, the book of dreams

T have Sandman, the book of dreams.

Several authors .

Edited by Neil Gaiman and Ed Kram er.

Review: Oliver Alb. Norma Editorial

. Brainstorming collection. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1999. Original title: The Sandman. Book of Dreams. Translation: MarĂ­a Ferrer. 304 pages. Fantastic

complement to all those who made the comic book series The Sandman of Neil Gaiman (in all its many editions). Edited by Gaiman and Ed Kramer , The Sandman, the book of dreams , is an anthology of stories by various authors, among which are Clive Barker, Gene Wolfe, Barbara Hambly , with an epilogue the songwriter Tori Amos , inspired by the dream world of Lord Morpheus .

version Sandman created by Neil Gaiman is a remake of the eponymous character in DC comics of the seventies, Wesley Dodds, who became a vigilante who hid his identity with a gas mask, and armed with a gun loaded with sleeping pills, leaving a handful of sand next to the criminals caught and trademark. This in turn, is inspired by the figure of Sandman (the sandbox) a being of Anglo-Saxon culture that makes children sleep pouring a little sand in the eyes and gives them sweet dreams. For his work, Gaiman decided to change the whole concept of the character, but the related suggesting that Wesley Dodds was the inspiration for his heroic identity in a dream in which he envisioned the character created by Gaiman .

Being known the fascination that is Neil Gaiman by the deities, created a universe in which the Eternal are an essential part in the workings of the universe, so, Sandman (called Dream ) has several brothers Desire, Destiny, Destruction, Despair, Delirium, and little sister, Death . Considered comics for adults, and winner of several awards, Gaiman tells stories surprising playing with the world of dreams, hell, plots with the eternal, and of course, with us, the dreamers, away from the superhero world of DC comics.

With that, let the book, which consists of eighteen short stories in which we find characters that appeared in the original work, as in the viscous entitled Things, which take center stage Lucien, the librarian dreams, Cain and Abel , a funny story in which the castle of dreams is invaded by a foreign substance, and the entourage of sleep should fix what happened, or Wanda , bow Country dreams, appearing as a secondary pinch more eternity, in visiting a dying friend in the hospital while he dreams.

left me very dissappointed when I read it, as each author conveys the same feelings I had when I read comics Gaiman, mixing the fantastic with the dream, and easily recognize the characters I read in your day. Some stories play directly introduced in the comic timing and can find the story Chain home, low frequency as a narrative of events that Gaiman named in his work, but which gives no details.

really seems easy to play with characters that already exist, but I find it quite worthwhile to read not notice any difference and you might think that the whole book is written by the author know. The other thing I liked was the diversity. Some stories are told in our everyday life, people affected by their dreams, while others occur in the realm of Morpheus, completely changing the tone of a story to the next.

example of this may be the story More strong desire, which I , whose personality leads him to play with humans, is defeated in a bet with one of them. Another very original story, we takes to recover a well known character, Little Nemo , , tells a new adventure of the child in the country of dreams I duped again by .

What is attractive character and world, may be that of a story arc to another, everything is different. In a dark and gloomy history, we can move to a completely tender and full of light and color, but in any moment things can change dramatically.

The book is eighteen stories, some more interesting than others, but I personally do not like me none of them lower the level of what to expect, and almost all have some makes them interesting point


Review of other works of Neil Gaiman:

Anansi's children.


The Graveyard Book.

The graveyard without tombstones and other black stories.


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