Sunday, January 23, 2011

Difference Between Af Cramps And Pregnancy Cramps

Review: Review

Angeles strangers.

Lili St. Crow.

Review: Jamie M.

Versatile editions. Versatile Col. Youth. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010. Original title: Strange Angels. Translation: Patricia Sánchez Maneiro. 317 pages.

In a world that drinks a lot of the first seasons of the TV series Supernatural , Dru Anderson is a 16 year old girl used to continually change due to the peculiar town ocup ation of his father: hunter of supernatural creatures, from giant cockroaches poltergeist, through all kinds of ghosts and not forgetting, of course, of vampires and werewolves. Dru is fully aware of the existence of Real World overlapped normal world . Is that a world where magic exists, where the bloodsuckers, zombies, werewolves and many other supernatural creatures abound toward life "careless" of ordinary mortals. And despite everything has had to live now, everything that has faced various missions helping his father due to its special ability to detect situations and paranormal beings, perhaps is not at all prepared for what was coming. When his father would not let him in his last night out and has not returned the next morning start feared the worst. And even that would fall short.

With a story full of tension, foreign Angeles is the story of a young woman who must face an extreme situation without being overcome by adversity. To do this will be assisted by an ambivalent Chico Gothic , Graves tall, thin and gangling without knowing anything about the world that moves Dru will be involved in the whole mess without backing down despite the revelations that will have to face, somehow becoming the voice of reason in curbing the Dru impulsivity, although the whole situation is beyond him.

persecuted and harassed, with no allies in sight and no adults to lean on, will have to discover what happened to the girl's father, investigate the clues the same was being followed and to resolve his future as they try by all means to stay alive. Gradually slowly unravels the peculiar inheritance matrilineal Dru, their innate abilities will grow and come to light parts of his past that remained in the dark.

Without hardly breathe in the midst of a cold weather in a small town in the Dakotas immersed in one of the worst time in its history, the action moves to the rhythm constant between clashes, struggles and desperate escapes. Dru needs to fit all the pieces, but is not an easy task at all and will find many obstacles in his path.

With a determined personality, strong, tough, you could say "stubborn" and an extensive training in handling weapons, still in need of affection in spite of their apparent independence and distrust towards everything that surrounds it, the girl will face all that is his path without fail, but having to overcome many internal doubts, which gets it more humane, if possible.

Between despair of feeling that Dru is enclosed by what happened to his father and continuous pain that has become his life, Graves gives appropriate counterpoint: a mestizo boy who uses his appearance as a defense to the rest of the world, shy and friendly, get up the story on the occasions that we need a nicer output than usual armed response of monster hunters who are used to Dru. The boy, lanky and with little social success, will become a vital support to confront what he comes up to her.

And then makes an enigmatic presence Christophe , which gives a new twist to the plot, throwing in a new direction (or printing a new march to the already initiated) when it seemed doomed to a dead end. The mysterious young man appears to possess many of the keys of life, past and present, Dru, and know too many of their secrets, even those who know herself ... but is it a friend or an enemy? Can not trust him know what your intentions? Will be led by a character who does little to earn their trust and which seems to be too many aces up its sleeve? With little time for reflection, amid the threat in which they are involved, she should trust their own instincts for spinning the right way, at the risk of making wrong decisions.

However, such action goes some way to mask the background Dru World, which fades in spite of the good sketches that show: the existence of his grandmother, a kind of witch Appalachian and whose soul seems to reside in an owl that appears to the young when it will happen some dramatic event, all the past of his father, the veiled references to other missions (very plan Supernatural or Buffy ), what happened to her mother, the network of hunting, gathering places for those seekers of the paranormal, the wide array of beings, peripatetic life, attending the school ... are all in the background somewhat unsatisfactory by the desire to create in the reader to learn more about all this (and I fear that the direction is sensed at the end of the book for the next installment suspect that will not just further on it.)

foreign Angeles is a novel, language and references (eg, the continuous references to sex by Graves, something innocent and naive on the other hand) for young adults, or those already well into almost out of adolescence. The simple prose reading gives a fast-paced, pleasant and uncomplicated. At the end is true that there is a real shot to the plot, a conclusion reported closed to everything but at the moment of climax course the resolution is in the air, postponed for another day. It is perhaps this frustration the worst end of an entertaining and well constructed book. We'll see how the story evolves in the following installments.


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