Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Causes A Soapy Taste In The Mouth

Review: Memories of Ice

Memories of Ice.
Malaz: The Book of the Fallen 3.

Steven Erikson.

Review: Santiago G ª Solans.

The Ideas Factory. Col. Fantasy # 81. M adrid, 2010. Original title: Memories of Ice. Translation: Marta García Martínez. 852 pages.

After the events of The gardens of the moon , an important part of the army malazano who was campaigning in Genabackis under the command of supreme fist Dujek Unbrazo has been declared in default by the Empress, just in time to establish an uneasy alliance with his former enemies Caladan Brood and Anomander Rake and his hosts, and to confront together the huge and pleasant the powerful and bloodthirsty za Domain Painite . But makes it clear the prologue of the novel, this is a war that has been going on over 300,000 years, a conflict that involves a lot of races and gods, and whose echoes are transmitted through the ages. A war of mythic roots in which those involved will abrasapuentes led by Captain Ganoes Paran -who will find that without saying he has loaded on his shoulders a heavy and unexpected mission- along with a number of alien forces whose l Ider always have a plan of his own within the overall plans. The main action of Memories d Ice runs parallel to that of The doors of the House of Death , making specific references to the events of that and revealing some of the key facts explained here and here intuited.

is appreciated, and much, a clear writing or translation, or the simple fact that the reader gets used ndo to narrate how Erikson - encourage the flow the story is much longer than in previous installments, making it easier and pleasant to follow different patterns, despite all the twists and turns that are continuously immersed. The author is offering to Malaz a monumental building that was finally starting to see more positives than negatives, because here is clear, in part, the background, relationships and much of the History behind the immediate history is telling. Begin to glimpse the reasons for the enmity of many races, as the causes for the eternal war between Jaghut and T'lan Imass and the relationship of hatred between Barghastianos Moranthianos and the tragic fate Andii the Tista, the strength of mortal humans ...

It acquires a much clearer idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are the ways magic, but its use remains largely impenetrable, varying from one to another, "the deck of dragons and the ascending, de las Casas, of the deities and their relationships with their followers ... And above all we are witnessing the story of epic clashes which will bring players to their limits, causing them to give even more than what they thought they had. Wrap the author the idea of \u200b\u200bwar in all its cruel repulsion and brutality, strewn with dead, mixing the heroism and sacrifice the most depraved inhumanity of those who have lost all hope. The honor, courage and friendship will be severely tested by the ambition and betrayal, forging ties indestructible and very odd friends. The desperate defense of Capustan or broil City gave Coral acquired mythical dimensions of authentic epic, full of drama and tragedy, while no doubt Erikson in lowering the tension due time with a black humor sometimes indeed, run by one character as Prey and mixture out of abrasapuentes , or the great Krupp and convoluted monologues, or two necromancers that we know too well what paint there but to give a touch of comedy to a situation where appear that there was no place ..

Erikson's action gives a marvelous visual imagery, peopling the story of powerful and striking images, scenes of a strong, descriptive, visceral and poetic as occasion demands. The author's challenge is huge, covering its history of many layers that are hidden as a "allies" to others, opening a multitude of lines without losing any of view, showing the cost of loss and redemption, a simple gesture of generosity that can change the course of history, the price of love and selfless sacrifice, compassion, causing fatigue and political fighting in the honest people, the horror of fanaticism and moral depths to which people can condemn the barbarism they attract, the cruelty of those who only see the other toys to play with them at his pleasure, the lengths to which tyranny can take without co rtapisas, overpowering, the value of true friendship given without expecting anything in return and a simple word of appreciation, courage, honor, loyalty, betrayal ... thus creating a world full of details, ruins of ancient civilizations, forgotten histories, cities destroyed and whose reason is hidden enemies in the age of the immortal annals of certain breeds.

old acquaintances reappear as a "reborn" Velajada and not come alone, "Whiskeyjack, Krupp, Ben Quick and as many characters The gardens of the moon , along with others appearing for the first time, acquiring a singular Protana, as members of the Grey Swords, a "mercenary" very special, dedicated the god Fener with Brukhalian Itkovian the head and his hand, or the master of caravans grumbling to fulfill a role that has never wanted nor requested, toy ascending powers of a new god reborn. And Korlat and Zorraplateada and Kallor, and Coll and Murillio, old acquaintances from Darujhistan, and abrasapuentes, each with its own peculiarities, and Toc the Younger, and Lady Envy and a wolf and a huge dog, and the servant Emancipor Reese, and Mott Irregulars, and Harpy and large crows, y. .. numerous, it is amazing how the author keeps them all moving without any "trip" and fall off the stage.

Among many details, characters who come and go continuously, data presented in the midst of a seemingly trivial conversation ... the reader can not or should not be distracted at any time. We must be aware of everything that happens. This is not a book to read "in his spare time", but requires a sustained effort, a peace that allows immersed in reading a calm and willing care not to miss anything. The tight 850 pages of small print reader requires extra effort of concentration to keep the thread and forget the who's who imperative to follow the action. It said that makes a fabulous Erikson work to provide each protagonist of his own personality and distinctive as are not to be confused at any time together, but their large number and dispersion are doomed which makes their close monitoring an issue of vital importance.

answer, finally, many of the issues that remained in the air in the previous two volumes, taking up many threads of the first. Finally, since the start of the series, the reader gets more answers than questions here and appear a much more transparent in the world where all the action unfolds, the background, the overall structure series and the causes that have led to the current state of affairs. Applies. moreover, despite being part of a series, the book stands on its own; even sure you read The gardens of the moon to capture all the details and compliment s, the truth is that Memories Ice is filing a formal structure, middle and end, with a final closed Despite announcing future adventures, and remember that there are seven books still.

And yes, it does have it's flaws. There are characters like Bauchelain and fellow Korbal Espita , very interesting, certainly, but hardly provide really nothing the general plot of "this" novel, beyond its contribution as comic relief in tense situations where history is constantly, or the guide of caravans Buke, whose presence seems respond only to highlight the peculiar territory sorcerers. Presumably, like minor characters from the first novel to uncover here, are intended to have a greater role in future installments de fact the two necromancers have four separate short stories already published, and not is that on at all, but in this context may only serve as a distraction from the main line and to increase the number of pages in a book that in itself would have been cumbersome without these 'add-ons. " A feeling that grows in detail as recursive dreams mhyb e, insistent that end up being weary and would not have been necessary were so tiresomely repetitive, the reader aware of its importance, it seems that in this subject matter Erikson that the reader is "escape" the importance of his message, and dedicated to let it more than clear time and again calling attention to himself. Yet, the question of whether the response more than enough pages can only be negative. May not provide answers, but they are a joy to read.

However, perhaps the most puzzling of Memories Ice is the progressive "dragonbalización" of frames, where a powerful character should respond to the presence of another that is even more so, other than a magician, a race one more immortal sinister and invincible, a demon a cruel monster ... lowering much emotion and distancing the reader some players as far away from it which makes it very difficult to empathize with them.

And above all, and this is a personal phobia of mine, "chirps the presence of a tattoo of a" frog San Antonio "in a world where I see difficult to have made its appearance our own saints. Details trivial, and others like the dance of a letter or a few typographical errors which should not however detract at all an impressive book and in such volume that is almost impossible not to escape any rabbit.

Erikson triumphs when the titanic task of keeping up such a large number of lines and characters, without getting any back, keeping the interest in all of them and taking them to the combination of an amazing way; and still dare to close it all with a wonderful epilogue that shows the history of Homeric proportions that we're telling is much more than the individual parts shown in each book, which is all about and epic in the annals of the empire and Malaz the world we have much still lying to say. Maybe not quite reach the epic heights dog chain, but when the reader closes Memories Ice , when the drama is over for this occasion, it is abundantly clear why the series is called "The Book of the Fallen .. . And someone has to keep track.


Review other works:

The gardens of the moon. Malaz: The Book of the Fallen 1.

The doors of the House of Death. Malaz: The Book of the Fallen 2.


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