Saturday, January 29, 2011

Implantation Fluttering

Interior Audio Excellence Office-game text messages and telephone calls Naxos

I write with the following question: Dear Teacher Naxos, I write because I do not know how I managed to advance my game to call the phone number, but still not successful step into the telephone contact, ie do not know what time to call and when should send a text. Is the next step I need to order the phone helps.

Dear reader, thanks for the mail. This is an inquiry so often could say that for every 10 emails I receive 4 are of this issue. So try to be very practical for this very simple does not become an obstacle as I see it has become for many. Let me start

saying that the hard work you've done, ask the phone is for many the greatest abyss because they really ashamed to deny them or showing too much need to do so. If you can get a woman give you his phone is because you have generated enough confidence so she decided it would be nice to see you again.

The game and the game of telephone text messages, is an intermediate step between the first meeting and a second exit or first date. If someone dominates these two techniques, which are very simple truth, you can build that bridge between a first meeting a probable relationship.

What are the basic aims of calls and text messages?

1. Coordinate logistics : Planning meetings, outings, appointments, cancellations, etc. Today, something happens that was not the case a few years ago: now it is unforgivable planted stop you having mobile phones with chat, messaging and more.

2. Convert dating phone numbers: It is clear that collecting phone numbers no good if they are not capitalized in real contacts and outputs.

3. Generating attraction and comfort : As we talked at length on this blog, the idea of \u200b\u200ba relationship is to begin to talk like crazy on the phone and send a thousand text messages or chat by phone, that's for girls. Even if it can be used to break the ice recalls that the cell phone is just a bridge, allowing the possibility of a real encounter. Generates comfort to the extent that if she is at peace with your calls and messages you move to another stage. Basically

will give some clues for you to master this game, nothing complicated, just very simple and practical keys for the wall immediately.

1. Make sure she has your phone in your contacts . Many women do not answer phone calls to know, for that innate fear of the unknown, cellular operators recalling accounts payable, wrong. Thus know that if you call it know who the sender of the call. Some think, "OH! But it is better not to know who the flame. "The answer is a resounding NO. You have more chance of having an indicator that things are going well if she answers your call, if not answered after several calls you know will not talk to you.

2. Never leave a voice message . If you send a message send a text message.

3. send text messages as late at night you can . I do not mean to midnight, but it prevents posts at noon, early morning, send them at night, in the course of 8 to 10 pm.

4. With most women it is preferable to start sending text messages before call. This is enough to power today's messaging services between mobile phones such as Blackberry PIN, the Ovi by Nokia and so on. Chat with her, is the best way to relieve the anxiety that some feel with voice calls to voice.

5. not feel pressured by what must be text messages, you must not seek to be always funny, sometimes you will be brief, others a little longer, sometimes questions, other claims.

6. NEVER have a pattern of always respond immediately to the text messages she sent you , lets spend a few minutes, even date your time to respond. I do not mean you never answer immediately, but sporadically let you expand your answer to motivate anxiety and not be predictable.

7. not go straight to the point of suggesting a way out before having a brief conversation . Do not go to the point so directly, creates atmosphere, stirs the emotions he had at the time to know, remember some of the time they met. It then goes to the point. It works for me to say something like "Well, I have to leave, we should keep talking in person. How about this Friday at the site XYZ? "Usually the answer is" I think it's perfect! "

8. not abuse emoticons. Although conducive to convey emotions, abusing them can make you see little or immature male.

9. Put your name in the first text message in case . You may know that after she has lost her phone and contacts with him, so it helps a little if some event happens.

good thing with texting is that you have time to react, which is sometimes difficult to have when you interact with word of mouth. When you take confidence with someone and you can relax and have better reactions with less time. Until this happens, the text message and mobile chat is best.

10. not feel anxious if she is slow to respond . Wake anxiety, but you're not anxious. Think that maybe can be in a meeting, busy with something, he left his phone at home forgotten, that was downloaded. Granted the benefit of the doubt and anxiety as always avoid doing your own thing.

To start the hunt!

Until next time!


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