Wednesday, November 26, 2008

25th Death Anniversary Invitation

Those who suffer my rants by Lorem Ipsum you have already heard, but this blog will die soon. After years of service to the country and the world through blogger, Egócrata, man, the myth, hang up the keyboard and mouse. Grey matter missing closure.

disappearance Egócrata of the blogosphere, however, is not necessarily bad or permanently. From tomorrow or (as glorious as the Thanksgiving turkey) Senserrich Roger, the wise guy behind the pseudonym, resurrect the most glorious header bitacoril a site in a larger, brighter, more enlightened and I hope - much more traffic: gray matter, this time in Lorem Ipsum.

I will meet there with a group of people who constantly quote ( Citoyen, Kantor ...) on a page full of interesting articles, detailed analysis, deep reflections and glorious leadership intellectual. Juan Antolin, that beacon of the West, the enlightened genius, has had the disastrous idea probably believe I know what I mean, so it has seen fit to invite me to the beach bar are mounted there.

Actually, if I move it for three reasons. The first, Lorem Ipsum is truly a magnificent plan be missed in Spain. page is full of excellent articles, which are a pleasure to read even if you disagree with them. The last article Kantor, without going any further, is one of those that I would have written to me, and should generate endless debates. If I am out there, maybe I have ideas that spread.

Second, poor Juan Antolin me that I can write what you want. This means that I can continue to warn the world of the threat of FLGJ, the impending zombie apocalypse, robots attack the murderers and the return of Great Cthulu in a site more audience. Third, and most importantly, Lorem Ipsum has more visits than this little corner of internet. Because basically I'm in this to make me famous, I have no choice but to relocate.

Well, friends, update your bookmarks and favorites. We change direction. I hope that within a few days we can even import the items we have here to the new blog if Wordpress decide to collaborate.


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