Thursday, October 14, 2010

Windows Mobile Archery


Todo Chile overflowed with joy and excitement, to see emerge from the bowels of the earth to the first of the miners trapped 700 meters below land in the Mina San Jose, Florencio Avalos, wept with emotion at seeing her little crying when she saw her father, as we were excited to see the Bolivian boy, that inspired the Bolivian miner Carlos Mamani, "Dale Kay", "force miners, and then end up crying with emotion, each brought out in our hearts an emotion so intense, all crying with joy, journalists, communicators, familiar.
So it was with each one until you reach number 33, the shift manager Luis Urzua, in Copiapo in Copiapo near the hospital where they were the miners for their checkups.

As one of the miners we were 33, but thirty-four because God was with us, it is true this is a miracle, who state otherwise is an arrogant and proud, because since we learned of the tragedy will not cease to pray to God for them, to look after , to protect them and allow the rescue safe and sound, so, so we witnessed thousands throughout the world, many media and titled it in their news, in newspapers, in the authorities, families, even children . I saw a little boy who interviewed him the day he knew they were alive, and said God allowed it because God is strong, is great.


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